The title of this episode is jarring so I won't mention it but I am sure you know the title. What another intense episode of 1923.
Can someone just let this man Spencer get home already. I really do not want to spend the entire season watching Spencer fumble his way home. I am betting that Alexandra makes it to the farm first and experiences what it is like to be a wife of a cowboy. (Also want to mention I have not seen any episodes in advance for this so I am making these predictions blind.) A pregnant Alexandra will tough it out while Elizabeth has already made the decision this life isn't for her. To her defense she has been through a lot. A mountain lion and now wolves.
Cara, ever the matriarch is holding down the fort while Jacob is away. I just know she survived that wolf attack because if not, we have a problem. After this is over, get her an icebox in the house and a telephone please Jacob. Speaking of Jacob, he is off doing what he does best, threatening people in a low key, subtle and chilling way. It pays off and he gets Zane and his family but is caught in the storm with no horses. I am very eager to see how it makes it back. Will this take half the season? Something that was supposed to be a day trip?
Teonna Rainwater and Pete, I am rooting for them so much. Yes, she murdered people but she was treated harshly and she did what needed to be done. Father Renaud and Marshal Kent - more Kent - are just doing the absolute most and I hope by season's end Kent is gone. His attitude towards the woman Marshall Mamie Fossett (hello Jennifer Carpenter) was so infuriating. I hope she is the one that takes him out. Father Renaud I can stomach more because he does drop occasional knowledge that makes sense but then I am reminded of his brutality. He is a flawed villain and they make the best characters.
One villain or two that I have no sympathy for is Donald and Banner. Banner's wife told him last episode if you lay down with dogs you will end up fleas and he didn't care. He welcomed the fleas. Now, he is scared of Banner because Banner saw some men skiing and wants to open a ski resort. (Insert straight face emoji.) Don't drink and cry now Banner - this is all your fault. Also, Donald talking about people love the euphoria of peril. What people is that because I do not believe I would enjoy the feeling of peril at all.
Now back to Spencer. He helps this young man on a ship and now is entrapped in the Italian mob? This man cannot catch a break. He is literally just trying to get home. Don't involve me in your illegal activities because I saved your cousin. I appreciate you giving me my first taste of pizza but I have to go. How Spencer finds himself in these situations is crazy and frustrating but awesome television. I'm guessing one of two scenarios will take place: Spencer will complete the run but Luca won't make it back and when Spencer does get home the mob will be coming after him. If that happens, not sure how long they will last in Montana however or everything goes to plan and the mob will help the Duttons keep their farm.

Now, we as the audience knows that the Duttons ultimately win thanks to Yellowstone but the journey there is devastating. However devastating it will be, it keeps us tuning in for more.
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