Finally, some movement towards our end goal in this week’s episode of 1923. Spencer caught a huge break this episode as Marshall Fossett wondered upon him sleeping in the middle of nowhere. She brought him back to the local sheriff’s station and called Sheriff McDowell to verify if Spencer had any warrants. When she gave Spencer the phone, he and McDowell had an intense conversation in which McDowell tried to warn Spencer that Montana is not the same place he left. Spencer in turn warned McDowell that he was coming for the men that came for his family period.
Fossett had promised if Spencer’s story checked out, they would give him a train ticket home and that is exactly what happened. Spencer is finally on his way home. I am just hoping this good luck lasts and next time we see Spencer he is on horseback coming to the farm. The tearful reunion between he and Cara is all I want to see. Spencer did tell McDowell to tell is aunt that he is coming home. We see McDowell leave the station but did not see him again so maybe he is heading to the farm or may be not.
Banner dumps the woman’s body in the lawless country that apparently is very famous in Yellowstone (again have not started that series yet). As he says while doing it “such a waste” and he is right, it is a waste that Banner is on the wrong side of this. One can safely assume that he is going to lose this war. I understand he wants to better his family but stealing from someone else that built it, never ends well.
My girl Alex finally fought back this episode. She ends up having to work as a server on the train so she can get free meals. She ends up being assaulted again by a passenger and beats him with a piping hot coffee pot. Luckily a British couple is able to verify her story and she is not arrested. However, the train to Fargo is cancelled due to snow. The British couple takes her in and I do not trust them. Anytime I see Janet Montgomery in something, I know she is scheming.
The Marshall and the Priest catch up with Pete who is wondering looking for water after leaving Teonna and her father. The episode ends with Pete and the Marshall firing on each other. Of course, we want Pete to survive but this is 1923 so my hopes are not strong.
Overall, another great episode of 1923. What did you think of the episode? Drop a comment and remember to vote in our poll.
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