We pick up where we left off in episode three Asher is dreaming about Elise and baby Ruby. She is going over the entire situation again until it startles her awake. A nurse comes in to tell Asher that her new patients' labs are in and clear. She asks if she can give the beta blocker and discharge. Asks alert now, says no and goes to the patient. In with the patient Asher says she wants to run more tests. The patient seems frustrated and Lenox calls Asher to the hall. Lenox asks Asher what she's doing. Asher says she needs to rule everything out. Lenox says she has heartburn, give the blocker and discharges. Lenox looks closer at Asher and asks when was the last time she went home? Asher never responds.
Frost comes into the ED locker room filled with pictures from when he was a teen actor. Frost is ribbed for his teen heartthrob status. Ripley says it will be about a month that they keep ribbing him and on the bright side at least he isn’t swimming in medical school debt. Frost smiles and says right, but looks away. Frost pulls the picture of him as a teen off his locker and breathes deeply.
Maggie sees Jackie and hugs her genuinely. Maggie, why is she here. Jackie says she is here to work. Maggie says oh you're the new nurse. Maggie says she is busy, but will catch up with her later. Dr. Charles approaches and greets Jackie. Jackie starts by apologizing for their last encounter. Dr. Charles brushes it off as Dr. Archer approaches to speak to Dr. Charles. Jackie excuses herself to change for work.
Archer needs Charles' help to decipher a text message from his girlfriend. He reads the text to Charles. Dr. Charles points out his girlfriend transferred to another hospital to get away from him, he doesn’t think he is the person to figure out what is the meaning behind the text. Charles says to ask a woman. Archer approaches Asher and tries to engage her. She is off clearly thinking of something and Archer must gain her attention. Archer asks if she is getting any sleep. Asher confesses no. Archer says you know it’s not your fault. Asher becomes hostile and says no, we will not discuss this and walks away.
Ripley has a patient with eye trauma in the ED. They EMT’s state she has been combative and they think she thinks they are her attacker. Ripley says her eyes are hard as marbles and he needs to relieve the pressure. Maggie offered to call optometmology. Ripley says they have no time. Jackie offers to help and Maggie tells her to tend to the broken ankle in another trauma room three. Maggie asks if he is going to slice open her eyelids, Ripley confirms. Ripley brings in another doctor to assist. Both doctors are fairly new to the procedure. Ripley asks Dr. Kai if he is ready. They perform the procedure and ascertain that the injury was not from blunt force trauma, but she has chemical burns. Ripley says acid was thrown in her eyes.
Dr. Charles greets Goodwin and congratulates her as she has won administrator of the year. They go into Godwin’s office and she finds a framed photo glass broken. Charles says to you. Just have to replace the glass. Goodwin seems concerned and goes on to say if it was housekeeping they would leave a note. Charles says it’s not a big deal when Goodwin explains the death threat she received last week. Charles wants to know why she said nothing. Goodwin says HR asked her to keep quiet while they investigate. They think it’s a former employee. Goodwin says they have just been eliminating people no one seems to be a suspect.
Officer Dwayne is now on the scene talking to Maggie about Tessa and who could have thrown acid in her eyes. Dwayne says no forced entry and neighbors did hear her arguing with her ex and they are trying to locate him. Dr. Baker the opthamologist says she has second and third degree corneal burns. Maggie asks if her vision will be repaired. Baker says she will not know until surgically debriefing she will have a better idea. Ripley gives orders to keep Tessa comfortable and treat her eyes at the same time. Jackie approaches Maggie and says the ankle patient is stable and looking for her next assignment. Maggie asks Jackie to restock the supply closet. Jackie looks taken aback. Maggie mentioned that they have all the coverage they need right now.
Ripley catches up with Asher. He asks if she is gonna keep avoiding him and his calls. Asher says she has been busy with work. Ripley asks if she is okay. He mentions the case from last week and how rough it was. Immediately Asher shuts him down and asks if they can not discuss it. Ripley goes into apologizing for his actions with the Sulley situation. Ripley points out that it was Sulley that told him how out of line he was being. Ripley admits he knows she was trying to save him from blowing up his life. Ripley asks to take her dinner. Asher says she is working the night shift, but soon.
Frost is with a patient that seems to be having a crohn's flare up. Frost wants to know when she was diagnosed with crohns. The father says five. Frost says that seems early to be diagnosed. Still Frost says they will do some labs. The father says his timetable could be off. Frost goes over the testing that’s needed. The dad says it seems extreme. Frost points out that some flare ups can seem harmless, but can lead to more serious medical situations that they want to rule out. The dad seems irritated saying that it feels like they are trying to increase his bill. Frost and the dad come to an agreement, the daughter chimes in saying they are only taking my blood. I can do that.
Asher goes to check on Ruby and gets all of the vitals that show she is growing great. Nurse says they are working on coordinated feeding with dad and she can go home. Asher asks if Elise’s husband is here. The nurse says yes and to let her get him, because he is eager to meet her. Asher makes up an excuse and basically runs out of the pediatric area.
Back in Tessa’s room the sedation has worn off and Tessa is struggling against her restraints. Maggie tries to calm her and lets her know what’s going on. Ripley comes into the room to try and assist. Ripley says they can help get the tube out but she has to calm down. They calm her down slightly to remove the tube. Tessa says she can’t be there. Ripley tries to administer some medicine. Tessa asks what they are giving her. Ripley says IV steroids. Maggie says they are trying to restore her vision. Tessa screams no, she doesn’t want to see. She says she did this to herself. Ripley and Maggie are both shocked and you can tell by their facial expressions. Dr. Charles is bright to speak to Tessa. She is not fazed. Tessa tells Charles she was taken from a psychiatrist to psychiatrist her entire childhood, long stays in the psych wards, medicated until she was a zombie. All that to say she knows her rights and they can’t treat her without a court order. Charles says he is sorry you had to go through that. Tessa says she doesn’t want his pity. She goes on to say the mod5 he can do is put her on a seventy two hour hold if he thinks she is a danger to herself. Charles asks do you think you are. Tessa says she didn’t drink the stuff she used and eye dropper. She says she doesn’t want to see and she doesn’t know why. Charles says he just wanted to talk. Tessa says she is done talking.
Lenox has the staff pulled and says while she learned so much shadowing them last week she thinks everyone can learn more from each other. Lenox says that each week they will pull a case and discuss the rights and wrongs of the case. This way they can learn more from one another. Lenox approaches Asher and says her maternal mortality from last week and she needs to be able to present her case of clinical events.
Goodwin and the hospital's lawyer are briefed on security measures. Locks will be changed and cameras put in and outside of her office. The attorney mentions that her well being is most important and for that they think she should skip the gala. Goodwin says she will Dr. Charles to accept the award on her behalf.
Frost receives the labs back in the crohns patient and everything looks good. Frost asks Doris if he could get the primary doctor in on this case. Doris points out that the dad didn’t know, but knew the medicine she is on and that was noted in the chart. Frost says that’s odd for a person who says he isn’t good with details. Frost feels that something is off and tells Doris to hold up on sending the tge labs to the patient portal and if the dad asks we are still waiting. Doris is fine with this course of action.
Charles, Baker, and Maggie discuss Tessa. Dr. Charles says she suffers from some type of body integrity disorder. Charles says rare cases are difficult to live with and some sufferers like Tessa take drastic measures. Dr. Baker says if she doesb5 operate soon Tessa could lose more than her sight. She goes over the worst case scenario. Maggie asks if this could kill her. Dr. Baker just nods.
Archer is waiting at a table and Margo Johns him. Margo gets straight to the point and asks if he has spoken to Shawn. Archer admits she had to let Shawn go at the rehab facility. Archer is not happy. Margo goes over the philosophy of the facility. Archer says you let him go because you have a difference of opinion. Margo says no, Shawn was being combative to the patients. Archer asked how, she went on to tell him something's finishing up saying the patients need understanding not lectures. Archer says it would have been great if she would have extended the same understanding to his son. Archer says Shawn is an ex-con and it’s hard for him to find work and could ruin his sobriety. Margo says she cares about Shawn and she understands, but she has to do right for the facility. Margo asks worriedly if this will be a problem for them? Archer says you fired my kid, do you think it wouldn’t affect him. Margo says she didn’t think about him at all and walked away.
Ripley is pulled into Frost about his crohn's patient situation. Frost gives his assessment of the situation and says crohns are hard to detect. But knothe medical dosage was strange. Ripley says what do you think the angle is. Frost points out the specific medication and how right now on the open market a bottle is being sold for four thousand dollars. Riple says medical fraud using a minor is medical child abuse abd if they call in DCFS is called it’s out of the doctors hands and it becomes their investigation. Frost says that’s why he got him to assist. Frost says he understands and Ripley says he will make the call.
Maggie tries to give Jackie another menial task. Jackie is irritable about how she is being treated when she has worked this same ED before. Jackie speaks up for herself and Dr. Charles observes the situation. Maggie keeps saying she is just looking out for her, but Hackie isn’t buying it and walks away.
We are now at our first staff forum discussing the maternal mortality case of Asher. Asher is presenting the sites it unfolded. Lenox thanks Dr. Asher for her presentation and asks the group if there was anything else anyone else would have done. Dr. Kai speaks up on what he would have done. Asher accepts his actions and does go back and forth with what the labs were presenting. Kai keeps asking questions and Asher always has a response that backs up her actions with Elise. Archer chimes in and says no one with the lab results would have requested an abdominal ultrasound. Kai says he would have. Archer says that would even be fifty on my list. Archer also says he is just running his mouth. Kai says he didn't come here to be attacked. Archer says he isn’t attacking him. Kai goes to leave and Lenox says they will try again next week. Asher gets upset with Archer and tells him not to fight her battles. Asher Lenox saying she felt Dr. Kai had a point and they should explore it more. Asher calls her handling of the case into wand and asks Lenox to be honest with her. Lenox, who can’t stand Archer, says he was right. She is a doctor, not a psychic. Lenox goes on to say you did everything right the previous doctor Elise’s obstetrician missed things before she became your patient. Lenox also points out I understand this case was hard, but you're too smart to think this was your fault. If we go back to last week’s episode Elise says over and over again how she would talk to her previous doctor about pain and symptoms. Elise was clear that he told her this was normal and to drink more water. Lenox says if the previous doctor would have done a thorough examination they would have found the preeclampsia and induced her immediately and the hematoma would have never formed. Lenox is being real with Asher, hoping to snap her out of this funk. It wasn't her fault! Asher looks like she was slapped across the face.
Frost is approached by the dad asking what’s taken so long. Frost tries to stall, but the dad isn’t falling for it. The dad says whatever lab results you are waiting on can be told to them at home. The dad wants to leave. Frost and the dad begin to argue slightly. Ripley comes in and asks Mr. Finley waits when he tries to get him to stop; he is a little aggressive. Frost begs him not to do this in front of his daughter. Finely starts to push through Frost and Ripley. Finely calms down and says he can explain then starts to have a seizure. Ripley and Frost begin to help Finely. His daughter is crying out for them to help her dad. Now Mr. Finely is resting, Frost and Ripley are talking to the daughter and she says her dad has neurosarcoidosis. She says that the medication was for him not her. Frost says that crohns and the neurosarcoidosis use similar treatments. They ask when he stopped taking his meds. She said a couple of months ago when he lost his health insurance. Just then a nurse says DCFS is here. Ripley says to follow his lead. Frost says why can’t they tell the truth. Ripley says using your child to commit insurance fraud is still a crime, even if he did it to get his meds. Ripley says tge less they say the better.
Maggie is looking for Jackie. Maggie locates Jackie in Tessa’s room with Dr. Charles talking about her mental health struggles and how she used to cut herself to feel relief. She explains she knew it wasn’t right being a nurse, but she felt at the time it was her only choice. Jackie says she understands this may not be what she feels, but she got help and it’s changed her life. Tessa says it feels similar to what Jackie described, unbearable. Jackie describes how she feels when she can see, how it’s overwhelming and she is overstimulated. Dr. Charles says there have been new therapeutic methods in recent years to help with situations like this. Tessa says none of them can give her the relief that she finally feels not being able to see. Jackie chimes in and says she doesn’t know if these new therapies work and two months ago she was Tessa, but now she is so grateful to the people who intervened on her behalf and didn’t let her do something that she couldn’t undo. Looking up she can see Maggie and gives a smile to her. Jackie lets her know that right now for Tessa living her life is painful, but her life is worth fighting for.
Ripley comes out of the consolation room with the DCFS rep and tells Frost he threw him under the bus and got two offices confused. Frost asks did it work. Ripley says it will as soon as I introduce you to her and let you take a picture, because her daughter is a huge fan of Dr. Frost when he was on his teen show. Frost lets out the breath he is holding and happily takes the picture.
Goodwin notices her office door ajar and a man in the corner with his back turned. Goodwin asks if she can help him. The gentleman is caught off guard and says he was doing hvac work in her office last night, knocked over her picture and broke the glass with his tool. He goes on to say he shopped all day to try and find the same frame. He was there to replace it. Goodwin says it’s totafine and what he picked out is perfect.
Asher goes to the pediatric ward to see baby Ruby and her father. Asher knocks and introduces herself to Mr. Thompson. Mr. Thompson welcomes her and says you were Elise’s doctor. Asher goes on to apologize and says she tried to save her. Asher says she only knew Elise for a short time. Mr. Thompson says but she made an impression on you didn’t she, smiling. Asher’s nods and says yes she did. Mr. Thompson goes out of his way to say that when talking to Elise she went on and on about how she wished Asher was her original obstetrician. He said that Elise felt she was the first doctor to actually listen to her. Mr. Thompson picks up Ruby and asks Asher if she would like to hold her, Asher says yes. Asher holds Ruby and it’s like a sense of relief. Asher sways with Ruby and says how beautiful she is. Thompson chimes in just like her mother. Asher smiles her first genuine smile since Elise passed.
Dr. Charles comes out of Tessa’s room and says that Tessa has agreed to seek help. Charles says they are gonna help her reach out to her family since she cut them off years ago. Also, the boyfriend broke up with her because she wouldn’t get help. Maggie says now that maybe he will want to help her with it. Dr. Charles lets Maggie know it’s okay to allow Jackie to fully immerse herself back into a job that she already knows. Maggie says tha5 she was trying not to trigger her. Dr. Charles says Jackie had to be cleared by an enormous amount of people to be cleared to come back to the ED. They knew she would encounter trauma and they deemed her ready. Charles says she has to allow her to do her job. Dr. Charles says with him observing Jackie he agrees she is ready.
Frost talks to Finley and says that case management will help him go over options and help him get enrolled in a medication assistance program. They will send him home with a month's supply of his medication and then go from there. Finely says he spent over fifty hours on the phone sending hundreds of emails and now that Frost is willing to help him is overwhelming. Finely is crying and says he genuinely didn’t know what to do after he lost his job. Finely couldn’t say much through his tears, but thank you.
Ripley goes to Lenox and asks if she can spare Asher for the late shift. Lenox says you may want to consult Dr. Asher. Ripley says no one wants the late shift. Lenox corrects Ripley and says Asher requested it. Ripley looks confused. Frost catches up to Ripley and thanks him for earlier and says he has a hard time giving people the benefit of the doubt, especially parents. Ripley says there was something fishy going on; he washes right. Ripley also says maybe some of it is projection. Frost admits it could be. Ripley says we all have parent issues. Frost says what’s yours. He responds to your basic abandonment issue. Frost then admits his parents mismanaged his career and stole his money. He goes on to say he worked his entire childhood and doesn’t have a dime to show for it. Frost also says he is swimming in student loan debt. Frost offers to buy him a bear and Ripley says he will take a rain check
Archer is at his son's house very worried. Shawn apologizes about not hearing his phone. He was listening to a book on tape while he packs. Archer says he is going overboard by moving. Archer says he can apologize to Margo and get his job back. Shawn says she was right to fire him; he doesn't want his job back. Shawn says it’s best that he moves to Florida with his mother. It will be a fresh start. Archer suggests other things to keep him in Chicago. Shawn refuses. Archer wants his son to stay because he doesn't want anything to derail his progress. Shawn says he doesn’t think it will be bad if he can get the time he would love a road trip with him to Florida. Archer says he wouldn’t miss it.
Goodwin runs to catch up to Dr. Charles, she looks beautiful in her LBD. Dr. Charles says he thought he was going solo. Goodwin says it’s a long story, but she will tell him in the car and ask if she can ride with him.
Maggie observes Jackie eating in the cafeteria. Maggie says hospital food your first night back. Jackie admits her husband and kids are out of town and it’s just her. Jackie admits she is exhausted and forgot what a day being in the ED can be like, but she missed it. Maggie tells her to rest up because she is on trauma service with Dr. Archer tomorrow. Jackie smiles as she watches Maggie leave for the day.
Asher runs into Ripley and asks why he is still there. Ripley says he took on the night shift. Ripley asks if she is gonna work herself into the ground. Asher says you run. I work. Ripley asks about her coping mechanism. Asher admits it is an AA meeting. She says she has been going every day before work. Ripley is worried and asks did she use? Asher says that this is the first time in four years that she has thought about using, but she didn’t. Ripley admits that he hasn’t been really reliable, but he wants to be someone she can lean on. Just then Asher leans her head on his shoulder and they hug. Asher closes her eyes at the comfort.
The mental health crises that Asher goes through these last two episodes were written and acted beautifully. Great writing about maternal mortality especially in African American women that is still at an alarming rate. This storytelling was beautiful in every way.
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