Chicago PD is opening season 12 off of the heels of Voight being kidnapped and tortured. To the naked eye Voight seems back and more determined than ever to clean up the streets of Chicago, but underneath all of the determination it seems that Voight is running away from what happened to him in season 11. The first four minutes and thirty seconds there is no dialogue just ominous music with us watching Voight going from murder scene to murder. You can tell him team is trying to talk to him and get him to slow down at least this is what it seems to look like, but Voight in each scene just keeps running.
We see Atwater speaking with the new member of the intelligence unit Emily, he keys her know tho he have been crazy but welcome to the team. Emily points out that’s it’s been a month and she is good. The team discuss a closed case along with Kim behind g at a conference. Ruzek mentions that Kim is concerned about the case load and thinks she should come back early. Ruzek also tells Torres he needs to tell Voight about the closed case. Just as Voight comes out of his office he is clear to get all paperwork done because they are moving on and then he leaves to patrol for another case.
While Voight is driving he catches a narcotics call and ask for back up while speeding to the scene. Voight detains a possible witness and tries to get any information on what’s going on inside. Once back up is there he hands off the witness and rushes inside the building. Voight comes upon a man over another man and he instructs him to put his hand up. The man says he is dying I’m trying to stop the bleeding. I will not put my hand up, just come over here and help me. Voight instructs the man to press hard to try and stop the bleeding. They remove the toe from his mouth bd notice that there is. Sick in the victims mouth. The other man says he was beat with a lock inside sock. When they remove the sock they pled it the victim to breath, but it’s too late and he passes away.
The scene is now crawling its police trying to access what happened. Confirmed trap house and prostitution was going on inside. Voight wants answers from anyone on the scene. The original witness says she saw the guy and he went straight for the dealers. It was begs to be released from the handcuffs they deny her. She recounts how they knew who they were looking for and gave a description of the suspect. She on began be let go. Voight says no bring her in he wants a scetch. Ruzek suggests that the case be under over to homicide. Voight says no it’s ours. Ruzek reminds him we still have paperwork on. Half dozen cases. Voight says this is our case we have 3 bodies. Let’s work this.
Voight gets information on witness that attempted to help save one of the victims. Rabbit is known to the other officers and paramedics as a user and trick. Voight offers him a ride home. Rabbit tries to resist, but has no say in the matter. Rabbit says he has said all he is gonna say. Voight lets him know something seems off. How did he know what was going on and where to go. Rabbit says he gets the screens and tried to help. Voight lets him know that it looks like he knew the people or the people involved. Voight makes it clear it’s not good to be seen with a cop. Voight wants Rabbit to know that he should not forget what that man looked like trying to breath and don’t ever forget it.
Voight is now in the now back at the precinct and he has identified the suspect. It seems to be EJ Monroe a dealer that’s is now using. Voight is not disclosing that this information came from Rabbit and we don’t see their conversation. Bought is again changing his shirt and says that his last known address was Tori does and they have to find him. Voight instructs them to find him, he will work the streets. Voight wants then to work the witness that is giving the stretch they inform him that she is door sick and struggling. Voight has an interaction with ASA Chapman and she makes it clear she isn’t giving a warrant with this paper thin information. Chapman presses Voight on how he came upon the information. Voight pushed back a d refuses to reveal his source. Chapman lets him know he needs more evidence more concrete information. Voight says he will do a sneak and peek. Chapman brings Voight to task and says how long the you gonna keep running from why happened to you. She explains the dangerous line he is walking and he needs help. Just then Voight is informed they fiund EJ crashing at a cousin’s house. Voight tunes out Chapman and rounds up the troops to head out to apprehend EJ.
Everyone has The place surrounded where EJ is currently hold up. As they slowly approach the residence EJ is seen attempting to leave. EJ spots the cops and makes a run for it. There is a chance that gives way. They call for EJ to stop, but that is not happening. Back at the residence Voight and the others clear the residence. All clear, but blood is found on shoes and inside home. Just was Voight is checking out the house it comes across the radio that eyes on EJ are lost. They lost him. Voight says he found residue. It’s clear that the drugs were flushed. The question is why would he flush China white heroine that worth at least twenty grand. Just then Voight observes a candy wrapper very similar to the candy Rabbit was eating in his car when he took him home and on the back as the address to the trap house.
It’s clear to the team that EJ didn’t go far his phone and all of his things were left behind. They discuss how EJ could kill three men for drugs and then flush all that money away. Vought says that he has something to do. Emily looks at Ruzek like I’m not gonna think about what he had to do. Ruzek offers back up ti which Voight rebuffs and says to find EJ.
Voight is now back at Rabbits place a c he is sneaking in. No warrant at anything he takes it upon himself to enter his apartment. Bought looks through everything and finds nothing as he is about to leave he noticed a large Rabbit. We cut to Rabbit coming home and he can see the Rabbit has been disturbed. Voight comes out and tells Rabbit that you lied to me and were in in the rip. Rabbit says no he wasn’t and then they go back and forth with the blame game. Voight tells him how he found out and says he better come out with the truth now if he is going in for murder. Rabbit says if he was in on it he would not have stayed to help him. He did t know that EJ was going to murder anyone. Rabbit admits he gave the address to EJ. We are now in the interrogation room and Voight keeps telling him to cooperate fully. Rabbit says he gave the address because it was the right thing to do. Voight ask what does that mean. Rabbit finally admits that it was a bad batch and EJ’s sister overdosed on the bad batch. Rabbit says that Troy was cutting the heroine with battery acid. Rabbit says all deaths should mean something.
Ruzek says they have a strong lead on EJ ti Voight over the phone. Just then EJ is in full view and makes a run for it. Again a chase ensues. This time the roles are reversed EJ is cornered, and pulls a gun on Ruzek. There is silence and Emily comes behind EJ to instruct him to drop his weapon. EJ is successfully apprehended.
Emily and Ruzek check in on each other. Ruzek admits that’s the first time a timing has been pulled on him and he wants to make sure she is good. Emily says she is fine since she struggled after her partner was murdered in front of her. Emily admits it’s hard, but the work keeps her busy. Voight fills if the team on why EJ committed these murders and says they need to inform narcotics because they need to find out how many OD’s they have in their hands. The team is now instructed to find everything on Troy Patrick.
Voight is now interrogating EJ and discussing his sister along with the bad batch of dope. EJ is mainly quiets and ask what you want me to do your job for you? Voight says he understands why he did what he did, but the law is not eye for an eye. Bought keys him know that narcotics doesn’t know about the bad dope but since it’s on the streets they need to help each other out. Voight offers justice not vigilante justice. Voight let’s him know he is going to prison for life anyway let me mean something help them get Troy Patrick.
The squad all discuss what information EJ gave up. They know where is territory is bad that he is cutting the dope to make more money. Chapman has questions. Do we have evidence to support has there been low level buys? Voight says no. Chapman says so all if your information you have is based on a person that just committed triple homicide? Voight admits that’s how he got the information. Chapman says no judge is going to issue an arrest warrant on that information, and that he can’t jusff if go solo and expect charges to stick. Cases have to be build. Voight points out that they can’t keep this dope on the street that they have to love now before more people die.
We see Rabbit waking to a house and the team
Is in a van listening in. It can be assumed that Rabbit is wearing a wire. The team is concerned if this will work. Rabbit goes to the home, knocks and tries to get in by asking to come inside. While inside Rabbit tries to press Troy to talk and says he wants to buy directly from him and he does f want the bad batch. Troy says that’s not how this works and to get out. Rabbit and Yriy go back and forth and Troy becomes agitated because he says don’t come here to buy. Rabbit says he didn’t wa t the bad batch so he can’t directly ti the source. Troy then admits that the bad batch is fine it did t work. That’s enough for the squad to move in on the suspect. While they are coming in Troy shoots Rabbit just as Chicago PD busts in. Everyone in fee home is take. Down and Rabbit is shot. Rabbit ask Voight if he got enough and Voight walks him through the pain by saying keep your eyes on me. Letting Rabbit know you don’t get to die yet the words he heard while being tortured.
Outside the house Voight is pensive and hears his name called. Deputy Cheif Reid introduces himself and lets him know that he has done nice work and wanted to meet him team. He keys him know to keep up the good work.
Back at the station Voight is informed that everything is quiet and they have nothing for him. No dialogue as we hear Voight listening to his radio again and changing his shirt. Chapman approaches Voight office. Chapman inquires about Rabbit and Voight admits he will be fine. Chapman takes a seat and says they are gonna talk now. Chapman bring up Upton and says since he is gone I I’ll confront you now. She lets him know we are done with the running and so is his team. She lets him know that Upton is gone and they know he almost died, but he has to stop running and take accountability. Voight says he is not running, but simply working. Chapman informs him that he will burn out and Voight says to let it. Voight admits he went through a lot and he didn’t die and instead he saw his partner murdered and Upti. Told him he doesn’t get to die and there is more. Voight admits that he will use the time he had to do more
Wrapping up the scene Emily and Ruzek are heading back to the station. The talk and her about how long do you think before Voight takes another case? There is just good banter between the two. Emily says thank you for pulling her up because she never thought she would be back in the field again. Ruzek says you deserve it and ask are they having v a moment just then we hear pops ringing out. They stop and they say two shots. Neighbor comes out and says what’s going on. Ruzek instructs her to go back inside. Just then another shot rings out and Ruzek ask Emily if she has her gun. He calls her name again then looks at Emily on the ground billet to the head eyes open.
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