*“Days of Our Lives” opens at the Black household, where Marlena receives flowers from John for their anniversary. At the Kiriakis mansion, Sarah visits Maggie, who is emotional over Victor’s passing. Meanwhile, Brady and Johnny meet at the park, and Tate runs into Holly in Horton Town Square. Kristen visits Marlena to irritate her, joking about John’s absence. Belle arrives, adding tension with Kristen, then Andrew stops by with a message from Shane.
Holly confides in Maggie, Sarah, and Julie about her troubles with Tate. At the park, Brady, Johnny, and Paul discuss their lives, with Paul sharing his plans to propose to Andrew. Marlena receives a heartfelt gift from John, despite his absence, and she is surprised by family visits, including Johnny and Paul. Later, Kristen interrupts to demand information about Brady, who is talking to Maggie and Sarah about Kristen’s leverage over Titan.
In a joyful moment at the Black household, Andrew accepts Paul’s proposal, and John calls. Brady confronts Kristen about the serum, while John and Marlena share a family moment, appreciating their loved ones and the celebration of love around them.*