I love it when shows get clever and the episode titles match. Last week’s title was “What Goes Up” and the season finale’s title of Doc “Must Come Down” was very appropriate. These are some clever writers. This is how you do a season finale. I want more episodes as soon as possible.
A man (Gina’s patient) commits suicide by stopping his car on the train tracks. He caused an entire train derailment which now causes the hospital to get overwhelmed with victims. Because of the hospital being so busy, Michael forgets his iPad in the car and his wife reads text messages from Amy causing her to confront him. I did not think this was all going down immediately. Michael confesses to kissing her and she leaves saying they will talk about it later. She later runs into Amy and rips into her about it (Sonya sees). Why blame the other woman, she should have kept that energy for her husband.
TJ’s father starts to recover, meaning Amy was correct in her diagnosis. TJ later apologizes to Amy for treating her harshly and she immediately forgives him. Meanwhile, the stress of everything is weighing on Amy and she snaps at Sonya, setting back their relationship after healing it. I was rooting for them to remain friends. It is unclear if they can patch things up by the end of the episode.
Amy does have an honest conversation with her daughter who is worried that Amy is reverting to her old ways. It feels like every time she fixes one relationship, another one suffers. Her daughter gives her some sound advice which leads to Amy visiting Mrs. Dixon. After their conversation, she realizes Richard lied and the nurse confirms it.
Richard finally confesses the truth to Amy, Michael and the President of the hospital board. He will have to face a medical review and most likely a suspension of his medical license. The flashback to seeing what really happened that day was a nice touch. Amy also stood up for herself with the board and told him exactly what was going to happen.
Later, Jake catches Amy and Michael kissing! I felt so bad for him. This is the second time they have cheated, so my love and hope for Amy and Jake are out the window. She does not deserve him.
This final was great! So many resolved issues but so many unanswered questions. Gina got some time to shine but it is a shame it took to the last episode of the season. Amy was not there for her so now their relationship is strained. Will Sonya finally get her crush Jake? What about Michael and Amy, will they get back together? Is Richard done for?
We have to wait until next season. What did you think? Drop a comment and vote in our poll!
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