Omg Richard I was just starting to like you and you go and do this…..
The episode starts off with a flashback showing us how Amy met TJ. She saved his life on the plane. I really enjoyed this arc, and it explains why TJ has always been by Amy’s side. However, in the present day that friendship seems to have come to an end and it’s painful.
TJ’s father is in the hospital for what started off as a fall and a hurt knee, but it quickly develops into cancer. To make matters worse, this is Amy’s first official case on her own without any supervision. As per usual Amy disagrees with the initial diagnosis and wants to use a different approach that is much riskier should she be wrong. When Amy gives TJ’s father (Randy) her opinion, he chooses to take her opinion rather than lose his ability to walk.
TJ is not happy with that decision and let’s Amy know just how he feels about it. It is an interesting reversal at play here. All the people that could not stand Amy before her accident have warmed up to the new “Amy” while her friends seem to be turning on her now. This is such good and interesting writing.
Meanwhile, Nikki, (Jake and Sonya’s patient) needs to stay in the hospital, but she has a minor child, and the hospital must call child services per hospital guidelines. During the COVID-19 pandemic Nikki lost her custody of her temporarily due to losing her job. This patient has been through it and if child services get involved again, she could permanently lose custody of her child. Her electricity was turned off and she is using her money to pay for meals. Jake, being the greatest guy ever pays the electric bill for his patient so there is no issue with child services visits her place.
Now back to Amy, you would think the tension and potential loss of her friendship with TJ was enough but nope the writers of this show love to pile it on. Remember how I said I was just starting to like Richard; well Amy figures out what happened to Dixon and the role Richard played. Instead of Richard doing the right thing (he needs to fire that unethical lawyer by the way) Richard gaslights Amy and makes her believe she was the one that caused Dixon’s death. It is on sight Richard!
Overcome with the emotion of the day and believing she caused a patient’s death in the elevator she runs into Michael and breaks down, the two kiss! She cheated on Jake and Michael cheated on his wife (I do not really care about her)!
The drama is out of this world and great as a viewer. Doc is really bringing it and I love the mess!
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Loved it
Hated it