The new ABC series Doctor Odyssey sounds like it’s setting the stage for an intense and intriguing drama. Joshua Jackson, known for his role in Fringe and Dawson's Creek, stars as Max, the onboard doctor of a luxury cruise ship. The show, created by Ryan Murphy, promises a mix of high-stakes medical emergencies and interpersonal drama. With Jackson performing CPR in the promo footage, it looks like viewers can expect both action-packed scenes and character-driven storytelling. The premise of navigating unique medical crises while living and working closely with a team adds an interesting twist to the typical medical drama.
Doctor Odyssey follows Max (Jackson), the new on-board doctor for a luxury cruise ship “where the staff works hard and plays harder,” says the ABC synopsis. “It’s all hands on deck as Max and his small but mighty medical team navigate unique medical crises and each other, miles from shore.”
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