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'Elsbeth' Season 2 Episode 9 "Unalive and Well" Review

Writer: BarbaraBarbara

Elsbeth’s Back!  This episode opens in a relaxing spa, Heiwa Zen (Peaceful Peace) Center, that helps celebrities detox, and heal other physical and emotional problems.  It’s run by Tom Murphy (played by Eric McCormick). One of the patients, Billy/Cole Campbell, asks him for Madori, an extreme venom treatment.  It causes Cole to throw up and pass up.  He wakes and reveals he’s the younger brother of June Campbell, a former patient.  Cole’s reaction to the venom treatment causes his face to swell.  Tom calls it “Frog Face” and assures him it will go down in a few days.  Cole gets in his car that’s filled with junk food.  He scarfs down powdered donuts and drives off, to later crash into a road barrier on the offramp under a bridge and die.  

Meanwhile, Elsbeth’s on her way to work and sees the latest paper plastering her last case and her face, the Van Ness Divorce Case, all over the front page, stating there was a cover up.  Everyone in the station is reading the story.  Officer Blanke asks Elsbeth if she was a part of covering up the wife’s abuse claims.  Elsbeth can’t tell her anything due to attorney-client privilege.  CPT Wagner walks into her office also reading the story.  He asked why the judge unsealed the court papers.  Elsbeth suggests that a certain judge may have done it.  CPT Wagner wants her to keep him informed.  He sends her and Officer Blanke out to help Detective Smullen investigate Cole’s ‘accidental’ death.  

At the murder scene, Elsbeth notices Cole’s excessively puffy face.  Smullen says it might be an allergic reaction.  They look in his car and she sorts through the junk food.  She also found his unused epinephrine pen in his bag.  They go to the Zen Center to find answers about Cole and the accident.  At that time, Tom is conducting a screaming session, and Cheryl, Billy’s journey partner, asks where Billy is.  Tom deflects and asks them to send Billy some positive energy.    

Elsbeth, Blanke and Smullen get to the Zen Center and are overwhelmed with the stuff available and the treatment prices.  They ask Starlight, the receptionist, about Cole Campbell.  She doesn’t recognize the name but does know him by Billy, Cheryl’s journey partner.  Tom appears out of nowhere  and begins massaging Elsbeth’s shoulders.  He creepily analyzes their auras.  He tells them about June Campbell, Cole’s sister, and her death.  He explains why Cole was there, and that he left.   They tell him Cole’s dead.  Tom asks them to leave while he contacts Cole’s parents.

Outside, Elsbeth is curious about Tom knowing Billy’s real name.  They ruminate about Cole, June and Tom’s relationship.  Officer Blanke asks Smullen if she can shadow him, since CPT Wagner told her she could learn a lot from him.  He’s impressed and allows it.  Elsbeth decides to check into the Zen Center.  Smullen makes sure she keeps in touch.  

Elsbeth checks in and begins her first session.  She goes to sit with her journey partner, Cheryl.  Cheryl sings Tom’s praises and shows Elsbeth around.  They quickly become fun friends.  Cheryl tells her Elsbeth is more fun than Billy.  In the Truth Ball session, Elsbeth asks Tom how he knew Billy’s real name, angering him a little.  Later that night, Elsbeth tells Cheryl she’s there to investigate Billy’s death.  She also shares her personal problems, specifically her Van Ness case feelings.  Cheryl gives her good advice.  She tells her to ask Tom about Midori.  The same treatment Cole got.  Elsbeth goes to see Tom, but.he claims he knows nothing about it.  

Officer Blanke and Detective Smullen talk with a former Zen patient at the station.  She tells them about the monkey tree frog that secretes a waxy substance when stressed.  Tom brought the practice of combo ceremony to the Zen Center which used that venom.  She tells them about June and how she got sick and died.  Tom performed the combo ceremony on her instead of taking her to the hospital.  Officer Blanke and Detective Smullen called Elsbeth and they figured out why Cole went to the Zen Center.   They work well together without Elsbeth.  

Later, Elsbeth goes to the sauna and finds Tom there.  Elsbeth’s investigative skills go into action, she tells him about Cole’s parents and their settlement.  She also mentions monkey tree frog venom, and Cole’s puffy face.  Tom tells her Cole was the one who brought combo to the center and asked Tom to perform it on him.  He refused to do it, because he banned it after June’s death.  Tom tells her he loves her, and begins analyzing her again, making her very uncomfortable.  

Elsbeth contacts Officer Blanke and Detective Smullen, they discuss the fact that Tom would be required to pay the Campbells another $2 Million if he administered the combo treatment again.  That’s why Cole was headed to the diagnostic lab after Tom performed the combo treatment on him.  Smullen stated lab results show combo was present in his system, but he died of anaphylactic shock.  Cole was deathly allergic to sesame oil. Elsbeth searches for the oil.  

Smullen and Blanke bring their case findings to CPT Wagner and LT Connor.  He tells them to get Elsbeth out of there.  They call the center, but can’t talk with Elsbeth because she’s in radical unplugging and can’t be disturbed.  Meanwhile, Elsbeth continues her search which leads her to the closed-in garden where the Midori tree frog and butterflies are kept.  The temperature is kept at 104o F.  She collapses, and Starlight later finds and revives her.  Starlight tells her she needs to get the antidote administered by Tom with a hypodermic needle. Another question about Cole’s death answered.  Elsbeth interrupts Tom’s Truth Ball ceremony, and walks through what led to Cole’s death.  Officer Blanke and Detective Smullen arrive and fill in all the additional facts impressively.  They arrest Tom.  Elsbeth asks Officer Blanke for help, and agrees to tell her everything about her involvement in the Van Ness case.    

CPT Wagner stops by a bar and talks with CPT Kershaw about Judge Crawford’s case, the Baseball Bat/Andy Murder case (Elsbeth’s jury duty case).  He suggests she reopen the case, after revealing a clue that was missed.

Excellent episode and a great way for Elsbeth to return!  The performances were great, so in sync. I especially enjoyed seeing the Officer Blanke-Detective Smullen Team-Up. There was more LT Connor character development, too.  Eric McCormick was very good as a bad guy.  Looking forward to the next episode!

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