New territory. Gabi and the M&A team enter a new phase with Sir behind bars and Jamie added into their orbit. As everyone learns to adapt to their changing environment, Gabi realizes she is at a cusp of falling back into her old ways. How do you keep the devil in the bottle?
Gabi fights the urge to connect with Sir, who has made several attempts to get her attention. From phone calls to being beaten up by a prison guard, Sir is relentless to reach her. “Gabrielle and I are connected,” he says to Trent. “We are a family. Forever. Mark my words. She will come.” As Sir is eager to speak with her, Gabi battles her own urges to let him in. And she must know why. Why is there a sliver of light that allows Sir to squeeze back in? To solve this mystery, Gabi reaches out to Ethan for help, who doesn’t want to touch this with a ten-foot pole. Their relationship is still unsteady, and Ethan doesn’t think it’s a good idea for him to be her therapist. Because Ethan knows where all the secrets are buried, she feels safe to be her authentic self with him – no censure. Penance is still aching over Gabi. And she needs to know why.
So far, we have seen seeds planted for a potential pairing between Zeke and Lacey. Movie nights and sleep overs have been a sweet build with their friendship. The slow burn of Lacey and Zeke reaches a slight detour as Shelley, a 911 operator, comes into the picture during the case of the week. With her ears perked, Lacey is surprised that Zeke has a friend she is unaware of, but it appears Dhan is familiar. When Shelley arrives at Zeke’s home with glasses and champagne to celebrate, Lacey graciously exits stage left to give them privacy. It’s at this moment we see she truly has feelings for Zeke. Does Zeke feel the same?
The missing person case of the week is Zuri, who was last seen during a blind date. Zuri made a 911 call which is hard to hear. Shelley, the 911 operator, reaches out to Zeke to clean up the message and see if Zuri is truly in danger. All hands are on deck to find Zuri who luckily had a burner phone that her overprotective father gave her. As the team begin interviews and gathers clues, Jamie is also eager to help. He seems to connect with Gabi in a way he doesn’t with Margaret. “Could helping people help me?” Jamie asks Gabi. I think at this moment, we get a glimmer of what Jamie is feeling, maybe a path or journey very similar to Gabi. We also learned that Jamie knows how to pick locks! As he is searching Gabi’s office, Dhan and Margaret find him where he claims he’s looking for his missing train. Margaret gives it back to Jamie, but they leave the elephant in the room, what was he searching for?
As the search for Zuri continues, Gabi hits a wall where she tries to narrow down what she is missing. Margaret asks if this is when she usually turns to Sir. As uncomfortable as the question is, Gabi knows she is right. But she is resolved that the team will figure this out on their own. Working with Alonzo, Zuri’s dad who was a judge in the military, they try to narrow down who would want to hurt her. Must be someone who knows how to execute an operation and wants to hurt Zuri or Alonzo. After a heated exchange with Dhan, Jamie returns to M&A and suggests reviewing the names again on Alonzo’s list. Anyone close to Zuri or Alonzo may be using an alias that is close to their real name. “Easiest way to remember your fake name is to use part of your real name,” Jamie said. After another search through Alonzo’s military file, the team realizes Zuri’s new roommate, Riley, was also in a case brought to Alonzo. Her real name is Victoria. Alonzo found her guilty, and she was dishonorably discharged. After searching Riley’s room, the M&A team finds a lead that takes them to Zuri. Alonzo is over the moon happy his daughter is found, and Zuri is grateful to Zeke and Shelley for giving her hope that she would be rescued.
As the episode closes, we are brought back to the beginning of Jamie and Margarets’ reunion – the bus station. Jamie wants to deal with their past so he asked Raphael to lift the restraining order so she can return. Margaret has so many questions: why do you want to stay? Is it for me? For M&A? More importantly, she wants to know who took Jamie and he can sense that question percolating. But Jamie doesn’t want to talk about it. Not now. Not yet. Maybe never. As Jamie prepares to leave the station, Margaret realizes he was also using an alias - Nicholas, his middle name. Maybe he was close by all the time? Where was Jamie?
As for Gabi, Sir continues to haunt her as she navigates moving forward with her life. Ethan, who is also tempted by the idea of exploring the hold Sir has over her, agrees to meet with her under one condition. Dhan must know about them working together. No more secrets. And Gabi agrees. I must admit, I’m looking forward to seeing what Ethan unravels for Gabi. How deep down the dark hole does Sir lay?
Found airs on Thursday nights, stream next day on Peacock.
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