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'Ghosts' Season 4 Episode 14 "Alexander Hamilton and the Ruffle Kerfuffle" Recap

Writer: Je-ReeJe-Ree

Updated: Mar 15

Ghosts Alexander Hamilton and the Ruffle Kerfuffle is one of those episodes that you get the mixture of humor and character development down pat. Long last, we finally see Isaac's backstory of why he detests Alexander Hamilton (Nat Faxon) so much, and it's exactly as silly and hilarious as you'd imagine. The series starts out with Jay's restaurant going under, while his culinary school rival flourishes, with celebrities waiting around the block to dine. Isaac attempts to school Jay in humility about his past transgressions by telling the hilarious tale of how he lost the opportunity to sign the Declaration of Independence, all because he was wearing a stolen ruffle.

I couldn't help but love the absurdity of this plot. Isaac meets Hamilton when he goes to pick up a ruffle for his outfit, and Hamilton is dismissive right off the bat and is trying to figure out how Isaac was invited to this important meeting. Things only continue to get worse when Isaac finds out the shop owner sold his ruffle to another individual and another will not be ready for a week. So Isaac shows up at the landmark meeting and has to wear an old, hideous ruffle, and instead of worrying about the importance of signing the Declaration, he can't help but obsess over Hamilton stealing his ruffle. It's classic Isaac, completely oblivious to what's happening and getting worked up over something so insignificant. I couldn't help but laugh when he humiliated himself in front of the Founding Fathers. And the pièce de résistance? When he meets Hamilton, he accidentally sets fire to the Declaration of Independence! And then, to add insult to injury, Hamilton admits to him stealing his ruffle. It's such an adorably ridiculous scene that only Ghosts can pull off so well.

My favorite was the way this fit into Jay's own life. It was the most genius thing for Isaac to do to get Jay to think about the big picture and not get distracted by something small. I loved how well they wove the two stories together and showed how Isaac's ridiculous past still had something to teach Jay in the future.

The secondary storyline with Elias returning from the "down place," Hetty's old husband, was captivating. He is seeking a soul to return with him, and at first, thinks that Thor makes the perfect choice. However, Alberta, Trevor, and Hetty convince Thor that he is better since his transition as a ghost. The whole ghostly dynamic is probably the strongest element of the program. It's just so cute to watch the ghosts assisting each other, even if they don't always agree. And then Elias's sinister move at the end, acting like a publicist to get Jay to sign a contract, really sets the stage for a dark and compelling storyline in future episodes. I'm definitely curious to see where that will lead. The episode also has some wonderful nods to the Hamilton musical, which I adored. As a fan of Hamilton, I was always waiting for a cameo by Lin-Manuel Miranda, but it seems like I'll just have to settle for the shout-outs. It was still a considerate thing, though, that made the episode feel all the more special.

As for me, I think Alexander Hamilton and the Ruffle Kerfuffle is another fantastic episode of Ghosts. It has all the wit and charm to which we've become used, as well as a goodly dose of absurdity. And I have to add, Brandon Scott Jones is still a star playing Isaac—his timing is perfect, and he absolutely takes the show up a level. Every time Isaac shows up on screen, I'm just waiting to see what absurd disaster he's going to get himself into next. If you enjoy Ghosts, you will adore this episode!

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01 mars
Noté 5 étoiles sur 5.

Such a funny episode! Classic Isaac. 🤣

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