COL Quinn/Patrick and MAJ Shah/Abraham are in the Base Laundry Center electrical circuit room, trying to figure out why blackouts are happening. MAJ Shah emerges with cables in hand that appear to have been chewed on. The lights flash on and off, and he imagines seeing two different women. He asks MAJ Shah if he sees them, but he doesn't. The colonel turns and rushes them out of the room, only for him to see three different women at the door. One is Iris (named Aisling), another is German (named Luisa), and the third is American (named Nina). MAJ Shah still sees no one and asks what's going on. COL Quinn tells him it's all three of his ex-wives coming back to haunt him.
It wasn’t an apparition; all three of COL Quinn's exes really did come to visit. They sit in his office, and CPT Quinn/Maggie arrives to greet her mom and all of the exes. She tells her dad that she goes on vacation with all of his exes and their children every year. They’re all close friends and have been vacationing together for twenty years. They never thought to invite him. Nina explains how they all got together, and COL Quinn is amazed. His exes are like sisters to each other, and it’s unsettling for COL Quinn.
Maggie goes on to tell her dad all about her mom, Nina Quinn, and her step-moms' wonderful accomplishments. A private enters COL Quinn's office to get his signature on a document and fangirls over Nina Quinn, a popular newscaster. Nina does her famous sign-off, and the private is overjoyed.
Nina tells COL Quinn that they just stopped by to see Maggie on their way to Cologne to start the annual Quinn Family Vacation. He freaks out, insisting that it's not a Quinn Family vacation if he's not included, because Quinn is his name. He’s outvoted three to one.
Meanwhile, in the Base Laundry Center, 1SG Conway tells MAJ Shah they need to get the electricity back online or they’ll fail their main mission of doing laundry. They are distracted by one of the workers. In walks COL Quinn and CPT Quinn. He asks more about the family trips and discovers they have a family beach house. MAJ Shah updates them on the blackout situation in the laundry center. There's a mouse nest living in the room. CPT Quinn says they can’t call an exterminator or electrician due to Vlaggetjesdag/Flag Day, the First Day of Herring Season, a Dutch National Holiday. She suggests they do the extermination themselves using the cheese the base makes. What could go wrong?
MAJ Shah and COL Quinn shoot down her idea, and she tells her dad that’s why she prefers being with her three moms. COL Quinn becomes jealous and starts bragging about how great he is on vacations. He boasts about a vacation he took with MAJ Shah to Mazatlán. Maggie tells her dad he’s never had any interest in any of his wives or her, and that’s why they prefer to vacation without him. He claims he’s changed thanks to Kataya, his new girlfriend, not Maggie. Maggie storms off.
Later, CPT Quinn meets with her moms at the dining facility. They compliment her on her superb cheese charcuterie. Her moms are so proud of what she’s done with her life. Then, COL Quinn walks in and tries to find a way to join the Quinn Family Vacation. He insists that he’s changed. They invite him to dinner to prove it. He’s bringing Kataya, his new girlfriend, who used to be a prostitute but is now a doctor.
MAJ Shah is alone in the laundry center, having set up cheese-loaded mouse traps all over the floor. There are mice running around everywhere, but it doesn’t seem to bother him or CPT Quinn, who gracefully steps over the mice as she walks in. She thanks him for listening to her idea and tells him that she asked some of the troops to start washing laundry by hand temporarily. He congratulates her for taking initiative. The lights flash on and off again, and squeaks are heard as multiple mice are decapitated.
COL Quinn asks CPT Quinn to come to dinner with him and act as a buffer between his exes and girlfriend. She refuses because it brings back bad memories of her parents' divorce days. COL Quinn tells her she did a bad job of fixing that problem and has a chance to correct it now. He earnestly begs her, and she agrees to attend. He says marriage and everything is combat, and he just won that battle. There’s no hope for him.
Papadakis and Conway both like the new civilian worker. They agree to battle over her, with Conway making the first move. Papadakis steps up and gets her attention. He wins a date because they bonded over a love of archery. He stalked her on IG.
Maggie and Nina meet in her room as she dresses for dinner with her moms, dad, and Kataya. Maggie would rather work with Shah and subconsciously keeps mentioning him. She says they make a weirdly good team. Her mom tells her she talks about Shah a lot and thinks she’s crushing on him. Maggie denies it. Nina tells her she can go see her "friend" if she likes. Her moms can handle her dad.
COL Quinn and Kataya are at the restaurant, discussing how to handle the dinner without his daughter as a buffer. She settles his nerves. They sit together, and he thanks everyone. He reads off a list of his changes. The exes are more interested in learning about Kataya. Nina is fascinated by her published research, and she and Luisa bond over speaking German. COL Quinn is surprised and Kataya berates him for not speaking German after being married to Luisa for two years.
Back at the laundry center, Maggie is acting oddly around her buddy. She tells him she found an electrician, Private Anthony Chapman/BA. He clearly isn’t good at it. Maggie YouTubes a how-to video on electrical wiring to help him. He admits he’s colorblind, so most of the wires look the same. He mistakenly connects wires and gets shocked. MAJ Shah is shocked too, as he pries him loose. BA bounces up, electrified, while Shah passes out on the floor.
At the restaurant, the exes and Kataya laugh and talk in German. COL Quinn feels left out and thinks they are talking about him. He lets out more unknown facts about himself and his exes, causing them to leave abruptly. Kataya asks if he ever did marriage therapy, and he says no. She finds out he abandoned them and proposes couples therapy for him and his exes. He plans to fake his way through it, convincing them he’s changed, so he can go on the family vacations. Kataya tells him he has to be sincere.
Papadakis finds Conway setting up a romantic dinner in the sumptuous secret supply room. In walks Maud, the pretty new laundry civilian worker. Conway gives in and says he can date her.
CPT Quinn takes MAJ Shah back to the break room. She flirtatiously teases him. They discuss their personal issues, and she softly touches his hand. Just as they are about to get closer, in walks Papadakis, who’s happy about his date and tells everyone!
Kataya counsels the exes and Patrick. He tells them he wants to vacation with them, and the exes talk it over. While waiting, Kataya tells Patrick she’s proud of him and how much he’s changed. The exes decide to invite him, and moments later, he tries to wiggle out of it.
The next morning, COL Quinn asks Jan to teach him Dutch for Kataya. Of course, that doesn’t go well.
This was a very funny episode! Wonder if CPT Quinn and MAJ Shah will get together and what havoc that will bring?
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