The new season of Ryan Murphy's true-crime anthology series, Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, is generating significant buzz as it delves into the harrowing case of the Menendez brothers. Premiering on September 19, the season will explore the infamous murders of José and Mary Louise Menendez by their sons in 1996.
The show promises to provide a nuanced look at the case, which has captivated and divided audiences for decades. The Menendez brothers' claim of abuse as their motive will be central to the narrative, presenting a complex portrait of the family dynamic and the tragic events that unfolded.
The show’s official synopsis (below) hints at a deep dive into the case’s broader implications and its impact on the true crime genre. It will explore the complex question of what truly defines a “monster” and challenge viewers to reflect on the deeper issues at play.
Official synopsis: “While the prosecution argued they were seeking to inherit their family fortune, the brothers claimed — and remain adamant to this day, as they serve life sentences without the possibility of parole — that their actions stemmed out of fear from a lifetime of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse at the hands of their parents."
With Murphy’s track record of crafting compelling and provocative stories, and the addition of Bardem to the cast, this season is set to be a gripping addition to the true-crime genre. Fans and critics alike will likely have plenty to discuss once the series premieres.
Below are official images:
Check out the full trailer below: