After a five-year hiatus, NBC’s OneChicago franchise is gearing up for an epic three-show crossover event. Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D., and Chicago Med are joining forces for a one-night event later this season, marking the first major crossover since 2019.
According to sources, the highly anticipated storyline will revolve around a massive explosion in an office building that rocks the entire city — affecting both the skyline and the underground. The crossover will unite the heroic first responders and medical teams across all three shows, promising a thrilling night of action.
Historically, OneChicago has regularly pulled off large-scale crossovers, but the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted those plans. The logistical challenges and safety protocols required during the pandemic made it impossible to coordinate the kinds of crossovers the franchise was known for. Following the pandemic, the OneChicago shows faced even more hurdles, including the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, which led to shortened seasons for all three series.
“Shortened seasons make it trickier,” said Chicago Fire showrunner Andrea Newman in an interview with TVLine last season. “Once the strikes ended, we all had to jump out of a cannon because we were airing so quickly. But now that we’re kind of getting our footing and coming up for air, there’s definitely talk of [doing another big one].”
The last time OneChicago fans saw a three-show crossover event was in October 2019, a high-stakes storyline involving a bacteria outbreak — just months before the entertainment industry ground to a halt due to the pandemic.
With the new event on the horizon, OneChicago fans can look forward to a thrilling, action-packed night that will bring all their favorite characters together once again.