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'Poppa’s House' Season 1 Episode 13 "Graduation" Review

Writer's picture: JazzJazz

On their podcast, Ivy talks about dating and shares her list of what not to look for in a partner. Poppa bets she made that list after her divorce, and she admits he’s right. Just then, her mother, Felicia, dials into the podcast to remind her about her graduation party. Felicia flirts with Poppa, and to Ivy’s horror, he thinks she’s cool and even offers to DJ the party—something Ivy is not on board with.

At Junior’s, Nina congratulates Trey for getting straight A’s at his private school. Trey, however, is focused on whether their party will be better than Joey’s. Junior insists it’s not a competition, but Nina and Trey disagree. Nina wants Joey’s mother to be seething with jealousy over how amazing Trey’s party will be. Junior argues that a petting zoo is boring—they need an anime character instead. He recalls how his father hired an off-brand Spider-Man, giving him an idea.

At the graduation party, Ivy introduces Poppa to her mother. Felicia greets him warmly, which is unusual for Poppa, but she takes it as flirtation. She calls him sweet, and he playfully responds that it's what the Sweet in his DJ name stands for. Without missing a beat, she teases that she knows what the D stands for, then introduces herself as Felicia—but tells him he can call her Felicious. Ivy is horrified. Before walking off, Poppa says he’ll see her around. Meanwhile, Felicia takes every opportunity to insult Ivy, bringing up her flaws and ex-husband before sending her to help Aunt Bertha in the ladies' room.

At Junior’s party, things are in full swing when Joey arrives—and he’s as snobby and rude as ever. He critiques the decorations, judges the snacks, and even threatens to leave in his limo when he finds out Goku isn’t coming. Thinking fast, Junior tells the kids that Goku is stuck between dimensions but will be there soon. It’s obvious he’s about to try dressing up as Goku himself.

Back at the graduation party, Felicia takes it upon herself to comb Ivy’s hair and make her look presentable. She insists that Ivy has to look good for when David arrives. Ivy immediately says that if her ex shows up, she’s leaving. She tells Poppa about it but gets tongue-tied when she sees him. To her surprise, Poppa also gets flustered—because David is an NFL champion.

David greets Felicious before turning to Ivy, calling her Mushroom. Poppa immediately quips that it sounds like a fungus. Ivy explains that it’s because she grew on him, but Poppa jokes that it sounds more like a tumor. David sizes him up and asks if he knows him. Ivy explains that Poppa is her podcast partner. David doesn’t hold back—he insults Poppa, saying Ivy used to make him listen to his show, and all he could think was, Who is this clown?

Poppa, ever the professional, laughs it off and walks away to handle his DJ duties. Meanwhile, David turns on the charm, telling Ivy that he regrets leaving someone as beautiful and special as she is. He wants her back, but Ivy isn’t sure she can trust it. He insists he’s changed—he’s been to therapy, read all her books, and wants to prove himself. He tells her he purchased land for the wellness center they once dreamed of building to show how serious he is. It’s ready to break ground. Overwhelmed, Ivy says yes, and they share a dance.

At Junior’s, he finally appears as Broku—his Goku costume. At first, the kids boo him, but after a few over-the-top, Junior-style shenanigans, they cheer him on. Later, however, he’s left sore and exhausted from all the kicks and jumps he attempted while pretending to be an anime character.

Meanwhile, Poppa and David sit down for drinks. Poppa congratulates him on rekindling things with Ivy, saying he’s glad they’re happy and in love. But David corrects him—it’s not love, it’s business. Seeing an opportunity, Poppa slyly plies him with more alcohol, getting David to admit that he’s using Ivy to rebrand his image. His investors won’t support him unless Ivy is involved.

Poppa immediately tries to warn Ivy, but she refuses to believe him. She accuses him of wanting her to be alone and miserable, just like he is. But Poppa tells her to believe her eyes—and then directs her attention to David, who is caught kissing the waitress he had been flirting with earlier.

The next day, Ivy shows up at Poppa’s. He’s surprised, admitting he didn’t think she’d come back. Ivy confesses that neither did she. When he asks if she wants to talk, she finally opens up to him about her pain. The episode ends with Poppa making her laugh, proving once again that, no matter what, he’s in her corner. A solid episode this week, 7/10.

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