In the upcoming Hulu adaptation of Jilly Cooper's 1988 novel Rivals, David Tennant and Alex Hassell star as fierce rivals amid the glamorous and scandalous world of 1980s England. The series, set to premiere on October 18, features Hassell as Rupert Campbell-Black, a charming yet roguish ex-Olympian and MP, while Tennant plays Lord Tony Baddingham, an ambitious television executive and Rupert's egotistical adversary.
The ensemble cast includes Aidan Turner as Declan O’Hara, a journalist caught in the crossfire of their feud, and Nafessa Williams as Cameron Cook, an American TV exec brought in by Tony to helm a new primetime talk show. Katherine Parkinson portrays Lizzie Vereker, a romantic novelist struggling with her own lack of romance, and Bella Maclean plays Taggie O’Hara, Declan’s strong-willed daughter who becomes an unexpected temptation for Rupert.
With a rich supporting cast including Emily Atack, Catriona Chandler, and Danny Dyer, Rivals promises to deliver a mix of drama, humor, and intrigue against a backdrop of social excess.
Check out the trailer below: