We are back for the second episode of Suits LA. The pilot did not go over well with the audiences and I feel like I am the only one that may be enjoying this show. Let's get into the episode.
Old Man Hanrahan is a prosecutor he thought he would be going up against while defending Lester Thompson and instead he gets Smith a no holds bar prosecutor. Through more flashbacks we learn what Ted did back in NY to win. He used a comedian, Samantha's client, who is great at impressions to trick a witness. I know this was meant to show the conflict in their relationship which will ultimately lead to their breakup but YAWN. While Ted is a douche and funny, honestly, I am more interested in Erica, Kevin, Rick and Stuart. Ted and his story is more of an afterthought and I understand why that doesn't make sense for a show when the lead can't hold the interest but I am so invested in everyone else that I want the show to do well.
Meanwhile we learn a little more about Erica. An entertainment lawyer who doesn't watch tv or movies. She needs her Leah (her associate) to help navigate the Hollywood clientele to keep her position as head of entertainment. Ted assigns her a big movie client, Dylan Pryor (Victoria Justice). She has booked a major contract with Warner Bros. but also signed on to do an independent film and there is a conflict. It is Erica's job to sort it out. Which she almost did do until Leah made a change in the contract giving specific details and the producer financing the independent film wants Dillion the same time Warner Bros. does.
Stuart lets Rick know that he needs to bring in a big client, poach from Ted and the head of entertainment position is his. So he uses Erica's competitive nature against her and wants to go after Dylan Pryor. The pair make a bet on who can get Dillion out of this mess. Rick ends up winning, Dylan signs with him and gets the job. The tension between Rick and Erica is so good. I am rooting for them so hard. I think the "will they, won't they" works and the fact they confirmed they had a prior relationship and we haven't seen any flashbacks to it will make it more satisfying if they get back together.

On a positive note for original Suits fans while Ted and Kevin talked, Harvey was mentioned and a poorly photoshopped photo was shown. I know most people are holding out to see him make an appearance and hoping for other cast members to do the same that adds to the ratings so I'll take the win.
When we get towards the end of the episode and see Ted and Erica catch up it definitely gave Oliver Queen giving his team a pep talk vibes. I do like the mentor relationship they are building between Erica and Ted while simultaneously building the same relationship between Leah and Erica.
When the prosecutor, Elizabeth Smith comes to tell Ted that his client's wife was sleeping with the man he is accused of murdering she runs into Amanda and they have an icy yet heated exchange. This may cause Amanda to help Ted with his case and it appears he needs it.
I'm still confused on why Stuart and Samantha teamed up. I get Stuart felt disrespected but all of this over a comment Ted apologized for is insane.
Overall, again I enjoyed the subplots of the episode, Erica and Rick and was even intrigued about what Amanda and Elizabeth have going on but the flashbacks showing Ted's history did not move me. The show has enough fluff and pretty with some legal jargon thrown in to let me escape for an hour on a Sunday night. I look to other shows for my Emmy worthy writing and that's ok too.
What did you think?
Loved it
Hated it