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'Suits LA' Season 1 Episode 5 “You’re On Your Own” Review

Writer: KaeKae

And, just like that, we are in the thick of it.

It’s Day 1 of the trial of the century…okay, okay, maybe, that’s a bit of a stretch, even in this age of sensationalized TV.  So, let’s go with trial of the season for now— at least, for this first season of Suits L.A, anyway.

Episode 5 of NBC’s newest must-see law drama opens with Ted Black, played by former Green Arrow frontman Stephen

Amell, preparing his opening  arguments for defense of Hollywood producer Lester Thompson (Kevin Weisman), accused of murdering his creative parter, Simon.

As the motives for Lester to do so keep mounting, Ted digs in to defend the producer’s professed innocence. Trying to keep his cool despite his anxiety bleeding into his dreams, Ted arrives to his law offices in the heart of the entertainment capitol of the world, only to be greeted by his private investigator friend, Kevin, and a surprise delivery of bagels, both of whom hail from New York City. But, not together.

Trying to keep any apparent anxiety about the trial close to his Armani vest, Ted drops in to see pro-bono lawyer in residence Amanda (Maggie Grace), as she is setting up her new office, now on the 25th floor, generously gifted to her by Ted in episode 4. Not so casually enamored with his colleague, but still playing it cool, Ted asks Amanda to be his second chair on Lester’s trial. Giddy to go up against assistant DA Elizabeth Smith, her nemesis from another case, Amanda accepts. Though, she may want to be careful what she wishes for.

Across town at Railsback Lane law firm, Samantha (Rachelle Goulding) and Stuart (Josh McDermitt), also aware of the start of the Talk-of-Tinseltown trial, are enjoying a bagel delivery of their own. What’s up with these tasty treats from afar? Stuart, still bitter from Ted pilfering his client, Lester, is almost giddy, himself in his anticipation of his former partner’s downfall with the trial.

In court, ADA Smith opens the trial with her damning words to assert Lester’s guilt of Simon’s murder, laying out the state’s case. Just as Ted moves in to lay out the defense’s rebuttal opener calling for acquittal, he is interrupted with an unexpected motion by the prosecution, citing damning new evidence (regarding the apparent divorce proceedings for the accused and his wife) about to be released by the media. No doubt, the exposure of which could seriously impact the case. And, if you know case law, then you know a spouse cannot be compelled to testify against the other in open court. So, to know Ted’s client and his wife are, indeed, getting a divorce…well, that would be a sticky fact the defense may have wanted to keep under wraps. With the idea of the new evidence’s admissibility coming into question, the judge  allows Ted an opportunity to finish his opening statements before he rules on the impromptu motion.

In chambers, Ted argues client privilege and the confidentiality of those divorce negotiations should render this “new” information inadmissible — all good arguments, but not enough to completely squash the motion.  

Back at the office — while the lawyers are away, Roslyn confronts law associate Leah, played by Alice Lee, on whether or not she wants to stay, with Black & Associates law firm, that is. It seems Leah was caught using company time and resources to update her resume, fearing the proverbial ship’s about to go down at the entertainment law firm, if Ted is unsuccessful with Lester’s trial. Note to self, while it easier to find a job when you have a job, actively looking for the next job while you should be doing work of the current job is never a good idea. 

Roslyn presses Leah to make a decision.

While the scene lends nothing substantial to the overall storyline, it does speak to the lack of direction the show currently has for Leah, the character. More than just comic relief, I fear there could be  a missed opportunity to explore Leah as a moral compass, if you will, for the firm. With all of her authenticity and naïveté, she could serve as that eager-beaver, want-to-do-good-in-the-world reminder to the more seasoned lawyers of why they initially got into law. It would be a nice dynamic to explore in future storylines — it felt like they toyed with the idea in the first episode with the actress Dylan’s story, but have not revisited the idea since. Just something to consider because I am sure Lee has what it takes to make that character arc work.

Back to the story at hand. 

Furious about Stuart’s perceived involvement in releasing the divorce negotiation details that would put Lester’s soon-to-be-ex on the stand for the prosecution, Ted confronts his former partner at his office. As the accusations start flying between the once-friends, so do the hands, until Samantha must step in and throw Ted out of the building for disrupting the peace. Yeah, it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

This week’s flashback to Ted’s past in NYC gives important insight into his relationship with Samantha — where it was previously headed and how the love connection was repeatedly impacted by his work. We also get to see the importance of how both Kevin and his younger brother, Eddie, contribute to his inner circle. 

While the pieces of who Ted is are beginning to emerge through these long-forgotten memories, there still lacks a deeper connection with these moments for the audience. If these windows into the past are meant to reconcile Ted’s history to why he is the way he is in the present, absent are the emotional beats needed to sufficiently  tie the two time periods together. 

At present, we are simply getting to see what happened to Ted in NYC and what is happening to Ted now in LA, as if the two are mutually exclusive. At times, it is hard to tell if the character longs for a return to his previous life or not. I, for one, am still holding out for the spot on the timeline that it will all come together to make sense. It just feels as if it is supposed to be building to something more.

Fast forward back to the present, Samantha confronts Stuart about his behavior with Ted, tip-toeing around their betrayal of their mutual ex with the exclusion of him in their recent merger. Stuart, in turn, apologizes to fellow attorney Rick Dodsen for having to witness him losing his composure and not setting a better example.

What is shaping up to be a nice secondary storyline is the relationship between Rick, played by Bryan Greenberg, and Erica Rollins, played by Lex Scott Davis. What has been hinted at since the start of the series, the two entertainment lawyers have a shared history outside of the office, that goes far beyond their mutual love of the law. 

It was Rick who calls Erica to give her a play by play of their respective bosses’ fisticuffs showdown earlier in the day. Erica, in turn, asks for Rick’s assistance to confirm a growing fear that Black & Associates’ high-profile client on trial for murder may have fumbled his original testimony. 

The two continue their reminiscing over a dinner of shared spicy tuna and baked crab. And, with the sweet and forlorn way Rick looks at his colleague between the bites of Sushi takeout, it is evident who was NOT the one to call it quits with the relationship. 

I am hopeful, the showrunners see that this onscreen dynamic is working and will allow us an opportunity to revisit what might have been between the two characters before the curtain falls on this season. There could be something good there, if they let it play out. But, don’t mind me, I am just a sappy romantic. I digress, yet again.

We get more insight into Amanda’s tension with Assistant DA Smith, as Lester’s trial proceeds. It seems the suspicious information coming to light for the Thompsons’ divorce about to be released by the media, is a film that Amanda had seen before and, safe to say, she did not like the ending. The sudden appearance of such triggered a memory for her that a similar situation surfaced in a previous trial of hers. Amanda’s suspicions were confirmed when the reporter, in question, was one and the same in that trial and Lester’s. Amanda and Kevin tag team to confront…I mean, question the reporter for more answers.

Despite getting what they needed from the reporter, both in admissions and affidavits, Valerie Thompson, Lester’s soon-to-be ex-wife’s, time on the stand proved to be as damaging for the defense as feared. Even more so when it is discovered by the defense team, unbeknownst to Ted, that Lester’s own words of his innocence may not be, of all things…original.

So, here we are, now halfway through the season, and things are getting good. I will not lie, I am anxious to see how Lester’s trial continues to unfold. Despite, as Ted affirmed in an apology call to Samantha as they each downed their respective bagels, opening day for his firm and Lester was NOT a good one. Nevertheless, it did make for good TV. Because, when we get to see the attorneys flex their legal muscle in court, the show really does shine.

But, what has really been the pleasant surprise, and what I did not see coming until this episode is that Kevin (Troy Winbush) is proving to be THE most interesting character on canvas for the series. 

Ted’s PI bestie seems to be everywhere and nowhere, all at once. He also appears to be the constant in Ted’s life — in the big moments, the almost big moments, stating the facts, dispensing advice, playing the heavy, and making things happen for Ted, whether he knows it or not. And, for someone who is NOT from the City of Angels, he seems to come by needed answers as a visitor when others native to the area cannot. 

Is Kevin too good of a Good Guy to be true? Only time will tell — but, for now, I like what he represents and how HE may prove to be the bridge to connect Ted’s past to his present. If anything, Kevin seems to be the man that gets things done — no doubt, the last five minutes of this episode certainly proves that. No spoilers here. You’ll have to watch for yourself ‘til the end.

In the meantime, if you need to catch up on the first half of the season, check out our Recaps/Reviews of the first four episodes of Suits L.A. @

Suits L.A. airs Sundays each week on NBC and streams the following Monday on Peacock.

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