Alec Mercer starts season two off treating a friend named Hailey. They seem acquainted with each other. Hailey seems happy to see Alec and says she has been waiting for this for a long time. Just then a man approaches Hailey and she seems annoyed. We soon find out Arthur is her ex and he wants to know why she is there. Alec becomes protective of Hailey. During the exchange Alec bates Arthur and by doing this gets him to confess to a thirty million dollar scheme. Arthur seems proud of his scam and pokes out his chest saying he deserved every penny of it. Little does Arthur know Alec’s ex wife is listening in on the conversation. Alec informs Arthur that this information would be interesting to his ex-wife, the FBI agent in charge of his case. Just then the FBI moves in and takes Arthur into custody.
Alec is now in class giving a lecture letting his students know why it was easy to bate Arthur. Alec says all irrational behavior is driven by behavior and it’s important to remember that. Phoebe walks into the classroom just as class is disabusing. Phoebe and Rizwan asked if he would like to go to an early dinner. Alec informs him that he has plans with Rose. Phoebe points out this is the happiest she has seen him since the divorce.
At the restaurant Alec is excited about seeing Rose. Alec is waiting expectantly with no Rose in sight. Alec texts, but the messages come back unable to be sent. Alec goes to Rose’s apartment and then tries to call and it goes straight to voicemail. Not feeling good about the situation Alec called his ex-wife Marissa and said he needs her help. Marissa tries to tell Alec that he shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Alec says there are cigarette butts outside like she was being watched and inside her apartment her go back is still there. We now go to a van where we see a man and someone with a good look on their face. Under the hood is a coughing woman who asks for a drink of water. The man gives her a drink, he holds the can. Rose tries to engage him in conversation during work. The man says that they know she is a spy. Rose says that she isn’t. The gentleman shows her a book. They are told not to talk to each other. Rose looks defeated. Marissa and Alec are back at her office with the FBI and they have grainy photos of Rose being abducted. Marissa says Rose put up a big fight. Kylie joins in and says she looks like a fighter. Marissa says Rose is former MI-6 she is trained to fight, avoid kidnapping and to rescue people. They all know she didn’t go down without a fight.
We are now back in the Van and the men driving are saying they are waiting for their boss to make the exchange. Someone knocks on the Van then a man opens the door and pulls out a needle. The man in the back that tries to help her asks him what he's giving her. He responds and says he has to sedate her. The man speaks up and says she is more dangerous than you know.
The FBI are on the scene where the exchange took place. Trying to piece together the scene. Alec comes across a can, the actual can the man in the van gave Rose a drink from. They shake the can and notice a clanking sound. Upon further inspection Alec recognizes Rose's ring and says she must have left it behind as a clue. Immediately Marissa wants the can checked for fingerprints. The fingerprints come back as a match to a male.
In an interrogation room Marissa and Alec sit with Calvin Ellis. Marissa goes over his extensive rap sheet. She calls out all of his arrests. Marisa says to him this is your first kidnapping. You have always done victimless crimes. What changed? Marissa gets up and walks away. Alec us up next and he tries to appeal to his emotions. He tries to speak to the suspect on his level. It works. Calvin admits he was in need of money and they said she was a spy that has done bad things. They told him she deserved it. He never really met who paid him. Alec pressed him for where. Calvin didn’t know, but admitted it must have been the same place as the other guy.
We are now in a warehouse of some sort. Rose is coming with the bag over her head. She yells out you have the wrong person. I am a school teacher. The bag is removed from her head as another man speaks. Rose whispers the name Harry. We can see Harry is bound and he says don’t bother Rose. I told them everything.
It seems we are at an embassy now. Alec and Marisa are talking to someone who knows about Harry’s kidnapping. It seems Harry’s wife called them when he was abducted by men with guns two days ago. She lets them know Harry wrote a book for his retirement and it’s vague, but if someone was familiar they could put the pieces together. It seems Harry and Rose worked on one case together and some of those details are listed in the book. That takes us to Gavin King, a military contractor when he was in Afghanistan when his wife was killed. His wife’s family were terrorists that were being tracked by MI-6. Rose and noons know what Gavin actually wants which makes this even more dangerous a small team were a part of the case. The operation didn’t go as planned. Gavin’s wife was collateral damage. Gavin was clearly angry. They kept tabs on him in fear he would retaliate. He was watched until he was no longer a threat. Maybe they gave up too early because now he has kidnapped Rose and Harry. Alec says this is purely revenge. MI-6 says they love Rose if someone can make it out it’s her, but I’m against Gavin they do not think she or Harry will make it.
Harry and Rose are speaking and Harry confesses that he wrote a book because he wanted people to know his contribution to the works. Harry says he must have read the book and put together the clues. Harry says they know about his entire family down to his grandchildren, so he told him everything. Harry admitted that he gave up Rose's identity. Rose is trying to plan an escape, but Harry is hesitant. Rose is being electrocuted with a car battery. Harry is begging her to tell the truth. Rose says she will tell him what she knows. Rose tells her story and Gavin says it matches Harry’s story. Gavin says he believes him and then shoots him dead. Rose is taken aback, while Gavin removes Harry’s body. He then leaves and tells her not to go anywhere.
Alec has requested an experiment done about revenge. Rizwan and Phoebe are in an open field with people conducting the experiment. There are several trails, but it seems no matter what choice the students were given they all chose to take revenge.
We are back at the FBI and Alec tells the team when his wife was killed Gavin was out of the country, so her death was out of his control, but avenging her death he can control. Marissa says Rose is smarter, but Gavin is stronger. Alec walks away and his sister Kylie goes to talk to him. They discuss his closeness to the case. Alec says he knows he is close, but Rose is alive and he has to save her. Kylie says it’s your feeling for her that is driving you. Alec says it’s too early for love, but he cares about her, and he isn’t treating this case any differently. Alec admits he is going back to Gavin’s place to see if he can find anything that the FBI missed.
Alec goes to Gavin’s home. While there he doesn’t go in, but he calls Rizwan about the experiment. Rizwan says no matter what he offered to the group they went through with the revenge. Rizwan says he appealed to them, offered them money, charged them money they still went through with the revenge. As Rizwan is talking, the black van we have seen all episode approaches. Alex tells Rizwan to call 911. Then he says no, calls Marissa and tells her I am being abducted by the same people that took Rose. Alec admits that being taken is the best way to get to Rose and try and save her.
Alec is rolled into the warehouse unconscious. Gavin says I brought him to keep you company and to get more information. Rose says I have told you everything. Gavin says you told me what I already knew, maybe blowing your boyfriend's head off will jog your memory. Rose admits she recruited her. Gavin says that she never said anything. The plan was to get the cousins off guard and she was ordered not to tell anyone about working with MI-6. Gavin asks how she ended up dead. Rose begins to talk. The cousins became suspicious. Fiona’s cover was blown, they were shooting and an order was given to return fire. Rose pleads with Gavin, she tells him there was no choice. He was a soldier he should understand. Gavin wants to know who gave the order. Rose doesn’t want to answer, she is quiet. Gavin yells again, Rose admits she gave the order. She knows that he wants revenge, but he needs to take it out on her. She tells him to let Alec go. Gavin points the gun. Alec says Rise is lying. Gavin tells Alec I know you, I have read up on you. He says you help the cops by reading people. Alec starts to tell him about Rose’s tells, her rigid body, how her lips curled down. Then he says operations like this always have someone higher up. Rose keeps saying no and tries to keep Alec quiet. Gavin gets irritated and begins to yell while pointing the gun at Alec. He wants a name and address of the person who gave the orders. Gavin becomes quiet and says since he read Harry’s book he wants to kill a lot of people he started mentioning places and schools. Alec tries to work on Gavin, he tries to appeal to him by asking what do you really want to accomplish. Blowing up a school may not work. Alec tries to convince him, the only way is getting the person that did this and not going after innocent people. Gavin seems to think killing people no matter who will make him feel better. Gavin crossed backfire to Alec and points the gun to his head. Rose yells out an address. Gavin says what is that. She lets him know this is where he will find answers no need to take out school children. Gavin says it better be a real address or they are both dead along with the school children.
Kylie says while Alec was outside of Gavin’s home there were one hundred and forty nine pings around Gavin’s home while he was talking to Rizwan. Marissa says can we narrow down to pre-paid cell phones? There were eleven prepaid phones. Now they are tracking them and notice that two prepaid phones left the area after Alec’s phone went dead. Rizwan says Alec Sid guys as plural. They are able to track where the phones went. Marissa asks Kylie to track the phone numbers on those two cell phones because they are betting on one of those numbers being Gavin’s.
Now back with Rose and Alec he asks what is the address she gave to Gavin. Rose says it’s an MI-6 office that is fortified and will be prepared. She said she had to think fast since he was there now. Alec says he was abducted. Rose tells him, I know you. If you got taken. It’s because you wanted to get taken. Alec says you needed help and this was the best I knew to get to you. Gavin is now back. Rose asks if he has a tracking device he says no, but he knows she tracked his phone and should be on her way. Rose said she had a plan. Gavin says he will need them both, alive just a little longer.
The FBI pulls up to a warehouse, they are searching and find blood. Marissa is told this is the right place, they are just too late. Gavin is in a truck driving with Rose and Alec in the back. They are trying to figure out his plan. Rose asks him to try to talk him out of whatever he is planning. Alec again says he is seeking revenge that it's not easy to talk someone out of that. Rose says they have to try something.
Back at MI-6 Marissa talks to the agent again and says they noticed he has stopped by a school several times. She asks do you think that’s where he is headed. Marissa says Gavin would know we would look in the car, she thinks he is trying to throw them off the trail. Marissa says they can’t track Alec and hope he is trying to get his phone turned back on. Marissa say’s either way they need to evacuate the schools to be on the safe side.
Alec tries to appeal to Gavin from the back of the truck. Gavin says nothing, but pulls over. He comes to the back and says that there is basically nothing that will stop him. Rose tells him what will happen to him and that Fiona’s death will not be avenged; they will never know about her or him. Gavin becomes angry and backhanded Rose. Alec screams at this, but is tied up and can’t do anything. Alec says there is another way to get your message out there, a way they can’t undo it. Alec says Rose will confess and he can record it. He gives him the plan to have Rose admit that she was working for MI-6 and give the order which had Fiona killed on American soil. This was a British government sanctioned operation and that will have ramifications. Gavin starts to think about this. Gavin is now recording Rosé’s confession. Kylie tells Marissa that Gavin’s phone is back on and they are tracking it. Rose is telling a story, but she is drawing it out. Kylie calls Marissa again and asks if she is at MI-6, she says yes. Kylie lets her know that Gavinsphine is pinging within a mile of the offices. Marissa jumps into action and says they need a tactical team to cover a ten block radius.
Bank in the truck Gavin is tired of her stalling and says as much, very loudly. Alec asks to let her finish. Rose says she is telling this story because she and Fiona had a lot in common. Just then they pin down his actual locations. Marissa gives the address to her team to move in, letting them know that Gavin is armed and dangerous. Marissa says if you get eyes on him, fire! Rosé continues her story. Rose now starts to antagonize Gavin. She tells him Fiona told her about the abuse and how she wanted a better life and was going to leave him. Gavin gets angry. Rose asks did you hit her like you just hit me. Gavin gets to his feet when Alec charges at him and they both fall out of the truck. The FBI is on the scene and Rose yells for Alec to get down. They open fire on Gavin.
Alec is told everything looks good and he can be discharged. Kylie runs in and asks how he could let himself be kidnapped. Alec said he knew to stay on his phone long enough for her to track him; he also knew she would be able to track him as well. The discharge papers are given to Alec and he asks the doctor about Rose. They tell him she has already left.
Alec goes over to Rose’s apartment, they embrace as soon as she answers the door. Alec says you didn’t wait for me, she admits she was ashamed of getting him involved. He asks if she is okay. Alec tells her she is the bravest person he knows. Rose tells him that he is brave and if it wasn’t for him she would be dead. Alec notices a bag and asks if she is leaving. Rose says she is scheduled to be in Dubai, so she is catching the red eye. Alec says she was kidnapped and tortured shouldn’t she rest. Rose responds with whenever you experience trauma it’s best to just move on. It helps her cope. She lets him know she will be fine because she has been in more dangerous situations than this one. Rose tells him if she would have lost him she would not have recovered. She says she has done so many things in her life that he doesn’t need to know about. Rose says he would hate her. He tells her he would never, but she has to work and he has to teach a class in the morning. We fade ti black with them embracing.
I hope this isn’t the last we will see of Rose. Only time will tell on season two of The Irrational. See ya next week!
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