A delivery man enters the clinic with a teddy bear and flowers gift. It has a card addressed to Shinwell Johnson. Shinwell takes the gift and reads the card. It says “YOU HAVEN’T SWITCHED YET.” The envelope contains pictures, and he suddenly knows who it’s from. The other message says “SWITCH.” He looks around nervously, and hastily stuffs everything back into the envelope. It’s Moriarty telling him to switch Watson’s pills. Outside the hospital ER, a woman, Ginny, runs in with a bloodied abdomen, asking for help. They patch her cut, but she suddenly struggles to remember who they are and where she is.
The nurse tells her she’s experiencing memory problems, because she has already explained to her what happened several times. They will transport her to psych. Ginny doesn’t want to go, and knows her problem is not psych-related. She leaves the ER, prompting a Code Green. At that time, Watson and The Team brainstorm on a patient’s case. A tedious Dr. Watson, interrupts the twins’ conversation and gives them a new nickname, Dr.Croft Number 1/Adam, Dr. Croft Number 2/Stephens. He wants information on the current observation. Adam describes it as “body at war,” face mites.
They are usually harmless unless there is a buildup of them. Adam describes the symptoms of dermatomycosis. Watson also affirms the mites can cause decreased vision quickly. Dr. Lubbuck attributes the patient’s face mites outbreak to their immunosuppressive meds currently taken for lupus. Watson tells Sasha what medication to use to clear up the face mites. Mystery solved. In Watson’s Office, Shinwell is surprised by Ginny who snuck in, while switching Watson’s medication. She threatens him with a broken glass. He drops the medicine, and Ginny picks it up. She asks if he’s Shinwell Johnson. Watson enters, and Ginny begs him for help. Watson is shocked when she tells him the dosage of his pills.
In the Team’s Office, Ginny sits writing in her planner as Watson asks her questions. Sasha records the session, Ingrid looks on curiously, and the Twins are in Observation Mode. Ginny can’t remember anything that happened in the ER. Ginny scribbles in her planner, and suddenly asks who they are. Sasha timed her memory reset and it’s three minutes and eight seconds since the last reset. Watson knows exactly what’s happening to her, episodic memory loss. Ingrid looks at her planner and sees Ginny’s drawn a clock. Ginny remembers studying the clock test in her college neuro class. Ingrid tells them the notes show she’s trying to gauge her own executive function. Adam says she solved her own clock test. Ingrid recommends a head CT scan not a psych eval. Ginny knows her condition is not a psych problem.
Watson tells her they are admitting her, and will help her. Watson asks Shinwell how Ginny knew the medication he was taking. Shinwell lies and tells Watson Ginny got in the office and found his medication herself. He recalls Holmes’ explanation of a coincidence, the universe is rarely so lazy. Shinwell shares William of Ockham’s thoughts on coincidence, the simplest explanation is usually the right one. A moment later, Dr. Mary Morsten, Watson’s future ex-wife, walks in asking them about Ginny. Shinwell reminds Watson to follow Ockham’s saying, and leaves. Watson assures Mary that Ginny’s not a threat. Mary realizes the name is similar to her grandmother’s name and leaves a little disconcerted..
Ginny’s CT scan revealed cerebral edema, swelling of the brain. Proves it’s not a psychological problem. Watson asks for theories on what happened to Ginny Roberts' memory. Adam suggests a brain injury or stroke, but the CT Scan rules that out. Stephens suggests Dengue Fever causes encephalopathy, Sasha suggests Reye’s Syndrome. Watson suggests they check Ginny for the symptoms for these conditions. Meanwhile, Ingrid gets a text from an anonymous person asking to meet with her. Watson gives The Team their assignments to find clues that will help them solve Ginny’s mysterious memory loss condition. A new mystery!
Watson and Sasha gather information on Ginny’s history. Adam learns Ginny went to Machu Picchu, Peru a week ago. She went on an Ayahuasca Retreat, a treatment for depression and trauma. She spent time at high altitudes taking hallucinogens. Ingrid tells Adam it can have serious side effects if you suffer from anxiety. Stephens learns that Ginny’s glass was from a microbrewery in town. Ginny was there earlier that day, started screaming, broke a glass and cut in her stomach.
Watson and The Team meet for a case update. They brainstorm to discover what caused and how to treat Ginny’s condition.
Back in his office, Watson hears violin music and Holmes’ voice. It tells him to look for the “teeth marks,” the lasting impression, and she has the answers. Watson thinks he’s hallucinating again. The next morning, Watson types Holmes’ words on his old analog typewriter. He tells Shinwell about his hallucinations.
Ginny’s girlfriend comes to see her, and Ginny freaks out. Watson later explains that Ginny is not rational. He asks if Ginny blames her for the miscarriage. Mary nervously leaves. Ginny’s girlfriend tells Watson about the pregnancy and what happened. She can’t handle it anymore, and leaves. Watson hears Holmes’ voice again. He goes and types the words on his typewriter, and takes another pill.
A bored Stephens, Sasha and Ingrid noisily check Adam’s list. He tells them he’s writing a book on using genetic testing on the best diet for individuals, but can’t think of a good title. Watson walks in and updates them on Ginny’s condition. She doesn’t have bromo-dragonfly toxicity, and her autonomic nervous system is regulating properly. He came to talk with Stephens privately.
Watson asks Stephens to discreetly test his pills. They theorize someone’s been switching out his medication. Watson tells Stephens he can report him, if he’s wrong. He says Ginny wrote the exact dosage of his meds in her planner. He thinks she walked in when Shinwell was there. At that moment, Shinwell sneaks into Watson’s Office and reads what he’s been typing.
Shinwell texts Moriarty’s Agent that Watson is suspicious. He plans for when Watson discovers he switched his pills. Moriarty’s Agent texts him to do nothing.
Watson finally discovers the connection between Holmes’ words and Ginny’s claims. He goes to see Ginny and finds she has left. He sees her running away outside, and apologizes for not listening to her. She comes in for an x-ray. They find an ovarian teratoma. A tumor with teeth. Surgery removes it. Mary asks how he knew. He tells her he had to listen to Ginny. She has anti-NMDA Receptor encephalitis. All the symptoms were caused by the teratoma.
Mary was monitoring Ginny’s case. He remembers Mary’s previous actions after she learned of Ginny’s name. The name was the one they would name their daughter. Watson discovers Mary had a miscarriage after he left to help Holmes.
Shinwell’s about to confess to Watson in the clinic’s hallway, when a stranger, Lloyd, wanders in. He’s a pharmacist at the hospital. He tells Watson he knows him, and that he’s been the one switching his pills. He did it to satisfy a gambling debt. Lloyd warns him that someone’s watching him. He apologizes to Watson before he dies. This was Moriarty’s doing to clear Shinwell.
Ginny’s stable now after surgery. Watson checks on her and apologizes for not listening to her. She thanks him as they await her memory reset. Time passes and nothing happens. Mystery solved.
The Team is about to leave for the day, Stephens gives Adam a title for his book, “Eat Right for Your Genotype.” Adam thanks him. Ingrid asks if they believe what happened to Lloyd was a coincidence, or a Sherlock Holmes conspiracy theory. Sasha asks if it’s any of their business. Ingrid gets another text asking her where she was, and a startling picture.
Outside, Watson tells Shinwell he suspected he had switched his pills. Shinwell understands. Watson says Moriarty is Alive, and Shinwell agrees.
Ingrid goes to the area in the picture. A stranger walks up and talks to her. He tells her it’s sacred ground. He knows her, and wants her to work for him. He hands her someone’s index finger in a bag, tells her he’ll contact her again, and leaves. It’s Moriarty.
This episode had a lot of science and an unusual medical condition. The writing skillfully intertwined the mini-plots. It was also good to see the ever present cute twin antagonism. Ingrid’s on the verge of collaborating with Moriarty. Shinwell was saved. Moriarty is back.
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