Will and Betty watch Marion get dressed in his home. She has to leave for a juggling class. Marion constantly surprises him. He asks her what she’s doing for the weekend, and is surprised to learn it’s her birthday. Will asks her to dinner, and adds Betty to the invitation. Marion can’t resist. They kiss and she leaves. Will gets a call from Jeremy. Jeremy’s worried about working undercover. Will tells him to be careful and pay attention to Rafael’s paperwork. Next, Will gets a call from Faith. She’s coming to pick him up to help her find her friend Michelle’s daughter. Faith asks Michelle if her daughter, Whitney, might be at a friend’s house. Her friends haven’t heard from her.
Her Mom was out of town and just returned. Whitney is independent and self-sufficient, so she wasn’t worried. Her husband, Quamby, noticed the security cameras were off. He was doing work for their foundation in Malawi, and didn’t notice the security cameras were off for several hours. There was food on the kitchen counter like someone was there.Will goes outside to the backyard, and looks around. Faith continues questioning Michelle inside. Will notices some wine, glasses and lipstick outside on a table. Will found a bloodied shovel under a bush. He checks the hot tub and finds a body. Michelle runs out the door to see what he found. Will stops her. It’s Whitney. The whole house becomes a crime scene. Will and Faith start their investigation and search Whitney’s room. Will notices how cold it is there.
Faith checks Whitney’s computer. Will finds her ID in her sock drawer, and marijuana in the drawer. Faith finds a message sent to someone named Elijah. She tells him her parents are out of town, and to come over. Faith goes to ask Michelle if she knows that person. Will talks about Whitney hiding secrets to himself. Suddenly she appears sitting next to him at her desk. She tells him he has secrets, to stop judging her. She tells him to solve her murder. Faith returns with information on Elijah. He’s at the Belle Rose League rehearsal. Faith rushes off. Will follows but not before Whitney reappears, and calls shotgun. No one can see her except Will. It’s beginning to annoy himl.Faith and Will go meet Elijah at Belle Rose. He’s teaching young black couples a formal ballroom dance. Will’s impressed. Faith is not. She tells Will about Belle Rose, Black Excellence and Atlanta Society. The Chapter Director, Lorraine Potts introduces herself to Faith and Will.
She asks them if they’re considering Belle Rose for their child. Will quickly tells her who they are and that they are there investigating a murder. They need to speak with Elijah Buckley. They question Elijah in the director’s office, and ask him where he was the night Whitney was murdered. He has an alibi. Faith asked why Whitney invited him over.Angie comes over to Ormewood’s house to work, because his kids, Cooper and Max, are recovering from a family outing and an encounter with poison ivy. They are stuck at home with their Dad. Ormewood sends his kids up to their rooms, while he and Angie work on a murder case. The murder victim was an AC repairman, and divorced with two kids. Ormewood assumes it was the ex-wife. The ex-wife has an alibi.Will and Faith continue their investigation at Belle Rose. They start questioning the students there. One girl, Tasha, Will interviewed, was one of the few who was sad Whitney was killed.
Whitney appears again in the background. Tasha tells Will they were close friends when they were younger. She said she caught Whitney going through her bag once. Will asked if Whitney was dating anyone. Tasha’s Step-Dad walks up and asks what’s going on. Before they leave, Tasha tells Will to talk to Jayden. He’s usually in his car, a gray Tesla. Will and Faith find Jayden in his car making out with a girl. The girl, Molly, thinks he’s cheating on her and begins hitting Jayden. Faith stops her. Will spots a towel from the crime scene in the back seat. Faith gets them out of the car, and they take Jayden in for questioning.Jayden’s attorney meets them at the GBI. Suddenly, Whitney reappears in the background of the room. Jayden plays his phone messages from Whitney for them. There was a message where Whitney’s talking to someone. Jayden didn’t get to Whitney’s house until later that night. He arrived, didn’t see Whitney and left. He said he saw a black 7 Series BMW pull up when he was leaving. Will asked if he knew of anyone who might have hurt Whitney. Jayden said Whitney made a lot of enemies. He told them about the altercation Whitney had with Ms. Potts.
Jayden’s attorney stops him from answering any more questions, and they leave. Whitney sits at the table with Will and Faith. Will and Faith go to pay Lorraine Potts a visit. Will stops Whitney from tagging along. How’d he think that would work?Ormewood and Angie zoom with Pete to give them the victim’s autopsy results. Ormewood’s son, Max, asks for more Sprite, while Pete gives Angie the information. Ormewood’s daughter, Cooper, wanders into the kitchen, and asks about the dead body seen on screen. Pete tells them about the victim’s last meal. Cooper sings a fast food jingle. That fast food restaurant was near where the body was found. She gave them a clue.Will and Faith return to Belle Rose. They both agree that Whitney seemed like the worst person in the world. Whitney appears in the back seat and tells Will Betty won’t be in Heaven. He loses it and tells her to shut her mouth. Faith asks him to explain. Will pivots with a self-help excuse. Faith is convinced. They get security footage that corroborates Jayden’s story.
They got a partial plate on the 7-Series. Faith goes inside, while Will tells Whitney to stop bugging him. She tells him what he’s probably been thinking already. He feels guilty about using Faith’s son, Jeremy. Whitney is really getting to Will. He orders her to stay in the car.Faith goes to see Elijah, the choreographer. He’s in his own world dancing in the studio. She tells him his alibi cleared. Faith tells him about her dancing experience. She used to go to Belle Rose, but was kicked out. He asks her to dance with him. Faith questions him about Tasha. Faith shares why she was kicked out of Belle Rose. Elijah asks her to the formal ball to make up for what she missed. Will questions Ms. Potts.
He asks her about the argument with Whitney. Whitney didn’t complete her hours, and couldn’t attend the cotillion. Whitney reappears and gives him questions to ask. He found the real reason Ms. Potts argued with Whitney. Ms. Potts cuts the session short when she receives a call.Will and Whitney go to meet Faith. Faith meets them with information on the BMW. It belongs to Tasha. Tasha and her Step-Dad are questioned at the GBI. Tasha has blackouts, and doesn’t remember going to Whitney’s house. Her Step-Dad said she’s got an autoimmune disease that causes the blackouts. She’s on medication. He had gone to a sports bar the night of Whitney’s murder. He got home to find Tasha really upset that night. Tasha falls apart. Will and Faith go outside to talk to Gavin. Gavin tells them Tasha couldn’t have done it, but he’s unsure.Ormewood, his kids and Angie go to Jean and Tony’s Burger Shack to get triple chopped cheese sandwiches, but they’re sold out. Angie sends Ormewood and Max away to find them a table, while she orders another specialty sandwich, and the security camera footage. Ormewood asks Max why he’s mad at him. Max isn’t mad at him, he’s worried about his school play tryouts.
A surprised Ormewood expected a sport, but is happy for his son. He gives him a pep talk and gives him some helpful advice. Angie has the footage, and they check it. They find a customer angry about no more specialty sandwich availability. They begin a database search for that customer.At the GBI, Amanda asks Will and Faith for an update on Whitney’s case. They are looking at footage of Tasha at a facility for 72 hours. Whitney came to see Tasha and sat with her. Whitney told Tasha she will help her. She told her she’ll find out what drug she’s been given. Whitney, the ghost, cheers Will on in his office. Whitney discovered something was wrong with Tasha’s medication, and went through her bag to get a sample of her pills. Whitney was going to use a mass spectrometer to test the pills. She was trying to help Tasha. Will tells Whitney she’s a hero.He goes to tell Faith and Amanda what he discovered. The drug Tasha was taking is norzin. It caused Tasha’s blackouts and mood swings. It is not the medication she was prescribed.They believe Gavin was drugging Tasha for her money.
He realized Whitney suspected him, and panicked, then killed her. Amanda tells them to bring him in.Ormewood helps Max rehearse for his play tryout as Romeo in the sandwich shop. Angie and Cooper giggle as they watch. Ormewood is proud of his son and tells him he’s going to crush it. Cooper is looking out the window and sees the irate customer from the footage. Ormewood tells his kids to stay in their seats, as he and Angie chase the suspect. He slams the suspect to the ground right in front of the kids. They got the killer. Faith and Will go to see Gavin Overton about Whitney McAdams’ murder. Gavin runs. He runs into the street and is killed. They later searched his house and found evidence for the murder. He killed Whitney to keep the truth quiet. Whitney was protecting Tasha. Tasha has an aunt who will be her guardian. Amanda thanks them for giving Whitney’s family answers for her death. Whitney appears to Will again at his house. Will reviews the clues he and Faith found, and knows he’s still not completely done with Whitney’s case. Marion comes into the room dressed to go out on their date. Marion triggers his memory with the word “cold”. He keeps repeating it and rushes out bringing Marion with him. They have to stop by Whitney’s house and check her room. It’s still freezing.
Will checks the heater vent and finds a box of documents and a cell. The cell has a video of Gavin and the killer. Will tells Marion they’re not making their reservations. Later that night, Ormewood sits at home with Cooper watching a nature documentary. She suddenly asks him if the guy he caught is the murderer. He tells her yes. He explains to her why the guy murdered someone over a sandwich, but she doesn’t understand.Faith comes into the family room looking gorgeous in a yellow gown. She opens her Amazon Prime package. It contains a beautiful evening bag. Max comes home. Everyone asks how he did at the tryouts. He didn’t get the Romeo part, but did get Mercutio. They Cheer and he grins with pride! Faith tells him she’s proud of him, and leaves for the cotillion.At the cotillion, the formal dance begins and all the young couples are dressed beautifully. The dance is wonderful. Faith and Elijah look on with pride. Will suddenly shows up. Faith asks what’s happening, and he tells her to go along with him.
They go to Ms. Potts’ table. Will tells her not to make a scene, and he knows she was sleeping with Gavin. Will keeps walking through the possible steps that led to Whitney’s murder. Ms. Potts said Whitney was a monster. They arrest Ms. Potts. Later, Elijah and Faith dance. Faith is having fun. Will stands on the sidelines watching. Whitney appears next to him and thanks Will for finding her killer. He tells her it was his honor and pleasure. Whitney tells him to tell Faith his secret about Jeremy. She also tells him she lied about there not being any dogs in Heaven. He tells her to rest in peace.Will returns home to Marion and apologizes for their cancelled dinner. He and Betty bring her birthday pancakes with a candle on top. She tells him she got her divorce for her birthday. He asks her if she’s okay, and she is, too. They both are happy. Marion says she doesn’t have to make a wish and gives Will a passionate Kiss. Betty looks on.
This Will Trent episode was Very Good! The whole ghost helping the police find her murderer was well done. It was cute and funny to see Whitney only appear to Will.They had a real comedic connection. Faith being gorgeous was Super. It was also great seeing Ormewood’s Dad role on full display. He’s Great at it. Betty was being cute, as usual. Really liked the two plots that this time didn’t intertwine. Both were truly interesting and kept introducing new clues. It was Great following those clues along. Loved the history of Black Society, too.
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