The episode of Young and the Restless opens with Sally entering Society, where Abby eagerly greets her, prepared to offer a project. At Nate’s penthouse, Audra arrives with food, and they discuss his recent discovery: he has a brother, revealed by Amy, his father’s former partner.
Nikki runs into Lily at the Athletic Club and apologizes for past deceptions, but Lily is still hurt. Nikki insists she wants Lily as her CEO partner, despite Victor suggesting Lily belongs at Winters alongside her siblings.
In Chancellor Park, Kyle and Victor discuss Glissade, and Victor asks about Kyle’s thoughts on his parents’ breakup. Kyle insists he wants success for the company, even if it means standing apart from his family. Meanwhile, Abby charms Sally into designing her wedding dress, needed in two weeks.
Back with Nate, he wrestles with the implications of his newfound brother. Audra advises caution, suspecting a potential scam, but Nate feels torn, especially since Amy hasn’t asked for money. Later, Devon arrives, asks Nate to be his best man, and is surprised when Nate happily accepts.
Nikki and Lily continue debating the future of Chancellor Industries, with Lily expressing doubts about the Newmans’ intentions. Abby and Devon meet up at Crimson Lights, and Lily overhears them discussing Victor’s latest actions, warning Abby about trusting him.
The episode closes with Nate alone in his penthouse, thinking about his father. He calls his mother to ask more about Amy, as Audra confides in Sally about her frustrations with her canceled meetings, hinting at her ambition to reclaim lost opportunities.