The Young and the Restless opens at Chancellor Park, where Devon and Abby finish trick-or-treating with Dominic. As Dominic plays, Abby apologizes for her father Victor’s recent actions and promises Devon that nothing will disrupt their wedding, despite ongoing tension between Victor and Lily.
At Society, Jill and Lily meet to discuss business. Jill wants Lily back at Chancellor, but Lily refuses, citing her unwillingness to work with Billy. Meanwhile, at Crimson Lights, Adam, Chelsea, and Connor run into Billy and Sally. Over at Sharon’s home, she hallucinates seeing Nick, who encourages her to confront her guilt over Heather and Daniel’s situations. Haunted by her actions, Sharon is torn, trying to cope with the burden of what she’s done.
Back at Chancellor Park, Tessa Ariaand Mariah join Abby, Devon, and Dominic, chatting about wedding plans. Jill and Lily’s meeting continues at Society, where they discuss Billy’s missteps. Jill defends her son’s potential but concedes his business mistakes, especially with a deal Lily thinks she can salvage. At Crimson Lights, Billy and Sally observe Adam, Chelsea, and Connor’s seemingly unified family. Sally reflects that her own relationship with Billy may have suffered to allow Adam and Chelsea’s family to reconnect.
Jill ultimately declines Lily’s offer to return as sole CEO, instead insisting Billy share the role. Lily warns Jill about Victor’s influence on Chancellor Industries, advising her to act swiftly.
Meanwhile, at Crimson Lights, Connor nervously anticipates a Halloween party with Johnny and suggests his parents dress up. Sally observes Connor’s affection for his parents, teasing him about wanting them around. Back at Chancellor Park, Abby expresses excitement for her wedding, when Lily arrives to talk privately with Devon. She vents about the stress from Victor, Nikki, and Jill, and Devon suggests she avoid the family power struggle and return to the family company.
In a private moment, Tessa and Mariah note that Sharon hasn’t yet stopped by to see Aria in her Halloween costume. Sharon, still consumed by guilt, drives off and recalls her actions involving Heather. In another hallucination, she sees Heather, who warns her she’ll never escape her past.
Billy invites Sally for a drink. Meanwhile, Lily confides in Devon that she’s considering skipping the wedding to avoid dealing with Nikki and Victor. Devon advises her to reconsider, reminding her how important her presence is.
Sally and Adam see each other at the Athletic Club, with Sally acknowledging the awkwardness at Crimson Lights and Sally states maybe they are meant to be a family . Sally hopes for the best for their family. Billy and Victoria, still talking about Adam and Chelsea, wonder if the two are simply meant to be together. Chelsea overhears, grappling with her own feelings.
Finally, Devon and Abby wrap up the day at Chancellor Park. Abby notices Devon is upset, and he confides that his conversation with Lily didn’t go well. Sharon arrives to greet Tessa, Mariah, and Aria, but once again, she sees a haunting vision of Heather, reminding her of the unresolved guilt that still plagues her.
We’ll have to see what happens next